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Configure Customer Status Mapping's Customer Status Mapping feature allows you to distinguish between your existing customers, customers who've never shopped with you before, frequent customers, etc. This information is useful in reporting when viewing your program's new-customer acquisition rate or its number of frequent purchasers. The information can also be used when creating partner payout modifications, to incentivize partners to drive conversions for a particular customer status category.

Warning: Enabling the customer status mapping setting will alter your tracking code and can lead to disruptions in your program. Work with your CSM throughout the following process to avoid any issues.

Configure Customer Status Mapping

Step 1: Create identity logic on your sites

By default, does not have any way to identify which visitors to your site are new customers, existing customers, frequent shoppers, etc. The only data receives is conversion data after a purchase happens. Therefore, your team must create the infrastructural logic to dynamically identify customers visiting your web store and tag them with an appropriate CustomerStatus. This status tag will then be passed to along with the conversion data, as a value in the customerStatus={-the dynamic value-} parameter.

After you have implemented this logic on your end, you can configure corresponding customer status mapping values on

Step 2: Configure mapping values on

The customer status mapping toggle is enabled at the event type level, so you can enable the setting for selected event types in your program. Note that the customer status mappings New and Existing (not case-sensitive) should work by default when submitting conversions or payout modifications, even if you do not toggle on the setting.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the right, under Tracking, select Event Types.

  3. Next to the event type to which you want to add customer status mapping values, select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]View/Edit.

  4. At the bottom, select Show advanced settings.

  5. Next to Customer Status Mapping, select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

    • Don't see the Customer Status Mapping setting? Reach out to your CSM or create a support ticket to get it added to your account.

  6. Select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Add value mapping to enable different payout for new customers.

  7. Next to the customer statuses you want to use, enter the values that correspond to those used by your identity logic.

  8. Select Save.

Step 3: Ensure that the parameter is passed to

As a precaution, you need to test if the parameter is passing to with your conversion data. There are 3 reports where you can view customer status data as a way to ensure you are passing the customerStatus parameter:

  • New vs. Return Customer Report

    The New vs. Return Customer Report will show you data on actions created by New, Existing, and Re-Engaged customers throughout your chosen date range. Actions, action cost, and revenue created by each kind of customer are aggregated by the partner who drove the action.

  • Performance by Day by Customer Status Report

    The Performance by Day by Customer Status Report combines data presented in the New vs. Return Customer and Performance by Day reports. Action, action cost, and revenue data are first aggregated by day, and then further drilled down by customer status.

  • Advanced Action Listing

    The Advanced Action Listing will provide you with many different data points about every action driven within your chosen date range. To see which customer status (if any) is associated with the actions presented in this report, select the Show filter, check the square-regular.svg [Unchecked box] Customer Status box, and then select search-solid.svg [Search].

Step 4: Update your payouts

After you successfully implement customer status mapping into your tracking code, you can create partner Payout Adjustments or Payout Groups. These settings allow you to adjust or add to what partners are paid, based on the customer status category for which they drive conversion (e.g., higher payouts for New customers).

Create a payout adjustment

On, you can create rules that adjust the payout for an action based on very specific conditions, including Customer Status. Payout Adjustments adjust the commission due to a partner from the Default Payout (or the Payout Group, when relevant) by an amount or percentage.

Note: For brands that pay their partners a Percentage of online sale as commission rather than a Placement Fee, recommends using Payout Groups to set the final payout percentage instead of trying to adjust the payout percentage using Payout Adjustments.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Contracts → Template Terms.

  2. Next to the template terms you want to change, in the Actions column, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Modify Terms.

  3. Next to Payout Adjustments, select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Adjust payouts based on specific conditions.

  4. Set up a payout adjustment based on Customer Status.

    • See the image below for an example setup where driving New customers earns a 10% payout increase, but driving Existing customers lowers the payout by 50%.

  5. At the bottom of the screen, select Next.

  6. Choose when the modifications will begin for active contracts on that template term.

  7. Select Next.

  8. Optionally, add a comment for partners explaining the changes made.

  9. Select Save.

Create a payout group

On, you can create groups to sort partners into payout categories based on very specific rules, including Payout Groups completely change the commission due to a partner. Payout groups are usually created when you create a new template term, but you can also add them to existing terms and switch out contracts later.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Contracts → Template Terms.

  2. Next to the template terms you want to change, in the Actions column, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Modify Terms.

  3. Next to Event Type, select the event type for which this template term will apply.

  4. Next to Payout Groups, select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Set up customized payout groups.

  5. To add payout groups one at a time, select Add New.

    • From the first angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu], select payout group Rules .

    • From the second angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu], select how the rule should apply to your payout group.

    • Next, select the value applicable to the payout rule you selected (e.g., if you selected Currency as a rule, you’ll have to select the type of currency in which you want to pay out partners)

    • In the Payout section, select the payout metric (i.e., percentage or fixed) and the appropriate numeric value.

    • Select Add.

  6. To create another group, select Add new again.

    • If you add more than one rule per payout group, all the rules will need to match in order for that payout group to apply.

    • You should create a new payout group for each Customer Status that requires a custom payout.

  7. Select Next.

  8. Choose when the modifications should begin for active contracts on that template term.

  9. Select if partners can opt to begin the new terms before the Modification Start Date.

  10. Optionally, add a comment for partners explaining the changes made.

  11. Select Save.


Note: If does not find a payout group applicable to an action driven by a partner, the Default Payout will apply.

Example: Barb Dwyer drives an anvil sale ($100) for your brand which results in a NEW customer. The default payout of the contract is 10% of the sale, which would result in a $10 commission for Barb Dwyer. However, you want to reward your partners for driving NEW customers to your brand and you decide to increase the payouts your partners receive for bringing new customers by 5% and experiment with Payout Groups and Payout Adjustments.

First, you decide to set up a Payout Group in your contract with a 15% of item sale amount payout (5% more than the default payout).


Barb Dwyer will now receive 15% of $100 which results in a $15 commission.

Next, you disable the payout group and try setting up a Payout Adjustment to increase payouts for new customers by 5%.


Barb Dwyer will now receive his Default Payout of 10% ($10) plus an additional 5% on the commission received. $10 + 5% = $10.50 commission received.

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