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Click Tracker CPC Earnings Report Explained for Partners

Important! The report covered in this article is part of's legacy CPC tracking functionality and should only be used to view historic data. To see your CPC V2 payable clicks, see Payable Click Data Report for Partners instead.

Before the release of CPC V2, brands were able to sift through and reject partner clicks that fell out of contract or exceeded their payout budget.'s CPC functionality no longer allows brands to reject clicks, instead allowing them to create highly customisable payout rules to predetermine what kind of clicks they're willing to pay out for.

Access the report

  1. Open the Click Tracker CPC Earnings report.

  2. Under the report heading, set the Date Range, select the Program for which you want to view reporting, then select [Search] [Search].

    • View the Table reference below for more information.

    Table reference

    Table Column



    The date on which the click event was generated.


    The action ID for the click event.


    The brand program for which you drove the click event.

    Event Type

    The event type associated with the click event.


    The action status for the click event (e.g., Approved).

    Payable Clicks

    How many clicks within the click event you could have been paid out for.


    Your earnings per click (EPC) for the click event.


    Your total earnings for a particular event type.


    The amount of tax assessed for the click event.

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