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Review Email Drop Requests from Partners

Some of the partners you work with may advertise or promote your brand via email. These partners can submit requests to you for content, and your suppression list.

  • Partners can request to use your existing email ad content from you to drive actions on their channels.

  • You can approve or decline these requests and provide approved email ad content for them to use—they'll also have access to your suppression list when approved.

  • Partners can also request new email ad content from you—once created, they must then submit an email drop request to use it.

Approve or decline requests

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Requests.

  2. In the Requests list, find the Email Drop request type.

  3. Uto the far right, select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [Menu] → Process.

  4. Review the Request Details, and optionally leave a response to the requesting partner.

  5. Select Reject Request or Approve to complete the process.

When you approve an email drop request from a partner, you are providing them access to one of your pre-created email ads. When approved, partners will have access to your suppression list as configured for the email ad content.

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