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Share Resources with Partners

If you want to share additional content with your partners but do not want to serve it as an ad to them, you can add that content as a Resource. Informational content, like YouTube videos, PDFs, training materials, and more can all be shared with your partners.

Add a resource

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage]Content → Resources.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select Create Resource.

  3. Name the resource, select in which Category the resource belongs, and add a Description of the resource.

  4. Upload a resource if it is a file (maximum file size is 10MB), or specify the URL partners can use to access the resource.


    Files containing scripts cannot be uploaded.

    File formats

    File Type

    File Name


    Portable Document Format


    PowerPoint Presentation (Open XML)


    PowerPoint Presentation


    Word Document (pre-2007)


    Word Document


    Generic Text File


    Excel Workbook (Excel 5.0 and 95)


    Excel Workbook (Open XML)


    Webpage Code File


    Webpage Code File


    OpenDocument Text File


    OpenDocument Spreadsheet File


    Portable Network Graphics Image


    Joint Photographic Group Image


    Joint Photographic Experts Group Image

  5. Optionally, toggle whether you want to Restrict Partner Access to certain partners or partner groups.

    • If you enable this function, enter the names of the partners and partner groups that will have access to the resource.

  6. Optionally, toggle whether you want to Schedule when the resource will be available to partners.

    • If you enable this feature, select the Start Date for when the resource will be available and the End Date for when the resource will no longer be available.

  7. Add Labels that can help you categorize this resource with similar content in your account.

  8. Select in which Languages this resource will be available.

  9. Select Save.

Manage your resources

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Resources.

  2. Hover over the resource you want to manage, then select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More].

  3. From here, you can either Edit the resource or Archive it.

    • Select Edit if you want to adjust components of the resource, like its labels.

    • Select Archive if you want to deactivate the resource.

    Archiving resources

    Archiving a resource is not reversible. If you archive a resource by accident, you will need to create a new resource.

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