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Partner Account User Roles & Permissions

Every user in your account has a role, and each one can have a different set of permissions. Users can be invited and assigned a predefined role, or you can create a custom role for them.

Note: Only Account Administrators or Custom role users with the Manage Account Info permission can manage Account User settings.

View Account User settings

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

    • Alternatively, for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner, select user-circle-solid.svg [User profile] → Settings.

  2. On the left, under General, select Account Users.

  3. From here, you can either invite new users with the Invite Users button in the top-right corner of your screen or select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [Menu] to the far right of Active or Invited users to Edit Access Rights.


Edit access rights

  1. Navigate to the far right in the row of the user you want to edit, then select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [Menu] → Edit Access Rights.

  2. Select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] next to the role you want to give to or revoke from that user.

    • Use the User roles section below for more information on each role group.

  3. If you want to customize the role you gave a user, select the check-square-solid__2_.svg [Checked box] next to the individual permissions this user should have.

    • See the User roles section below to learn more about each permission.

  4. Select Submit to save your changes.


User roles

Account administration

Account Admins can update in-account settings, like the Account Users settings as well as run usage reports on the account.



Run Usage Reports

Run Administrator reports.

Manage Directory Info

Create and manage directory information. A legacy permission.

Manage account Info

Create and manage account information.

Advertiser management

This role allows user to control to which programs the account will apply and to engage in negotiations with prospective brands. These users can also run action and performance reports.



Apply to Campaigns

Pick out and apply to programs (formerly campaigns) in the Brands Marketplace. No users can apply to programs before your account is approved.

Run Action and Performance Reports

Run action listing and account performance reports, like the Performance by Month report.

Send Marketing Message to Advertiser

Communicate with brands via the My Brands screen.

Negotiate Agreements

Negotiate with brands on contract details. This includes managing proposed contracts, countering proposals, and accepting or declining proposals.

Request Cap Extensions and Agreement Extensions

Request that brands extend action caps and contract limits.

View Advertiser Info

See a brand's logistical information, like contact information, on the My Brands screen.

Creative management

Users with this role gain access to the asset creatives and any relevant creative permissions, like retrieving asset codes. These users can also request custom asset creatives from brands.



Request Custom Ads

Request custom-made assets from brands. You can only request custom from brand that allow partners to do so.

Manage Creatives

Create and manage your own creatives.

Approve Creative and Dub House Expenses

Approve Dub House and creative expenses for TV and Radio spots. A legacy permission.

Run Creative Reports

Run reports relating to asset creative and dub house expenses. A legacy permission.

Get Ad Html

Retrieve IFrame, HTML, and tracking link codes for assets (as the brands make them available).


Whenever a user has at least one User Role, but not all of the permissions with the roles they have, Custom will appear in their Access Rights column on the Account Users screen.


Users with the Finance role can run financial reports as well as view account financial data.



Run Financial Transaction Reports

Run financial reports, like the Earnings History Report.

Manage Financial Settings

Update financial settings, like the account's Bank Account Settings. If this is turned off, the user won't have access to the Payments to Brands screen.

View Account Financials

Gain access to finance screens found in the Balance drop-down menu.

If toggle-off-solid__1_.svg [Toggled off] the user:

  • Won't see the finance widget on the dashboard

  • Won't have access to the Balance, Pending, or Earnings screens

  • Sees "Transactions" instead of the balance amount in the top right

  • Sees "Transactions" menu that only provides access to Action Inquiries and Pending Actions screens if applicable


The Technical role gives users access to the integration settings for the partner account, like the STAT Tag. Users with this role can also run technical reports.



Item List Integrations

View and manage product catalogs.

Run Technical Reports

Run technical and integration reports.

Web Services Integration

Manage API and FTP integrations and settings as well as gain access to API credentials.

Action Tracker and Branded Url Integrations

Manage event type (formerly action tracker) and unique URL integrations and settings on a per-brand basis.

Event Callback Integration

Configure event notification postback events.

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