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Verify Your Identity as a Partner may require you to verify your identity at certain times to reduce the risk of fraud. This can become a requirement when you edit your banking details or if your media properties fail automatic verification. In cases like these, verifying your identity is necessary in order to receive payments.

Confirm your identity

You’ll receive a prompt within the platform to start the verification process. You may also receive an email reminder.

  1. On your partner Dashboard, locate the Security Alert banner notification and select verify your identity.

  2. Select the green Get Verified button to start the verification process:

    1. In the pop-up modal that appears, use a smartphone to scan the QR code.

      • Alternatively, if you prefer using your computer, select Continue with your current device at the bottom of the modal.

    2. Next, you'll be prompted to confirm your identity. Be sure to have your government-issued identity card/document on hand, then select Let's go!.

    3. You'll need to take the following images, ensuring that the photos are clear:

      • The front of your identity card/document (e.g., a passport, driver's license, or national ID card)

      • The back of your identity card/document

      • A selfie

    4. Once submitted, your photos should take a few minutes to process.

      • This step can take a few minutes, but you may dismiss the window and return to your dashboard while waiting. You'll see a submission confirmation once it is done.

  3. After submitting your photos through this process, you'll receive feedback from on whether your identity has been successfully verified.

    • If successful, you'll receive a confirmation email from

    • If additional steps are needed, you'll receive an email with instructions for further assistance.

    Note: You can expect a response window of 7 - 10 working days.

Tips to minimize the impact of the delay processes a large number of verification requests at any one time, so don't be concerned if the process takes a while. To minimize the impact of the delay:

  • Budget for payment delays before updating your bank details on

  • Avoid logging multiple support tickets as this will increase the number of requests that need processing.

    • Replying to a single ticket when necessary keeps the reference number intact and helps with resolution times.

  • Double-check that you have no payment requirements that could extend the delay more than necessary.

  • Stay informed by reading up about the factors that influence when partners receive payouts.

  • If the delay exceeds 15 working days, contact support to figure out what may be causing the unexpected delay.

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