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Find specific landing page URLs or vanity links as a Partner

You can filter for specific landing page URLs or vanity links by running the Vanity URLs report.

  1. From the top navigation menu, select ReportsMore Reports.

  2. From the Category filter next to the search bar, select Admin.

  3. Select Vanity URLs.

    • Select the delete [Columns] on the right of the screen to add or remove columns from the table.

    • Filter your report by Brand, Landing Page URL, Vanity URL and, more.


This report can help you manage which landing pages are linked to which vanity links, but you cannot manage your vanity links from this report. Return to the Vanity Links page to manage your vanity links.

You can filter by Brand to help you find the vanity links you want to edit.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Content → Vanity Links.

  2. On the Manage Vanity Links screen, you'll see a list of your existing vanity links.

  3. Next to the vanity link you want to edit, select [More] [More] → Edit.

  4. Make your changes to the vanity Link.

  5. Select Save.

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