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Enable Event Notification Postbacks for Brands

Event Notification Postbacks are standard HTTP notifications that notify you when an action, click, or other event occurs. Event Postbacks can be configured to feed event data into your internal reporting systems, giving an up-to-date view of your events.

View Event Notification Postbacks

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. In the left menu, scroll down and select Event Notifications.

Enable Event Postbacks

The instructions below will help you configure the following five types of Event Postbacks:

  • Action Lifecycle Events will issue an HTTP request to a specified URL (and any included parameters) when an action is tracked, modified, or reversed.

  • Tracking Value Request Events will issue an HTTP request to a specified URL (and any included parameters) when tracking requests are created.

  • Action Clearing Events will issue an HTTP request to a specified URL (and any included parameters) when actions are cleared.

  • Action Inquiry Events will issue an HTTP request to a specified URL (and any included parameters) when action inquiries are created or resolved.

  • Job Completion Events will issue an HTTP request to a specified URL (and any additional parameters) when a job has been completed for a Report Export or Click Export.

  1. From the Event Notification Postbacks screen, hover over the  heading you want to enable and select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit] on the right side.

  2. Add the URL that should use for Event Postbacks, along with any optional parameters in the URL. Refer to the section below for a full list of these parameters and an example URL (for the GET method).

  3. Select the HTTP Method: GET is the recommended option, as optional parameters can be passed directly into the URL. Select POSTif instead, your system requires to submit the data in a request body.

    • If you use the POST method, select the Body Format from the radio dials.

  4. Select Save to complete the process.

Note: Step 3 does not apply to Action Inquiry Events—the query strings are selected using checkboxes instead.

Event Postback example

This example includes the following parameters:

  • {CampaignId}

  • {MediaPartnerId}

  • {ActionId}

  • {Status}

  • {LockingDate}

  • {Payout}

  • {Amount}


Notice the properties defined within curly brackets. The actual request will be for the URL (assuming corresponding parameter values):
Optional parameters for Event Postbacks

Query String



Campaign ID


Event Type ID


Partner ID


Campaign Name


Event Type Name


Partner Name


Action ID


Action Status


More details about the action status, for example the reason for an action modification




Action payout to the Partner, in the Partner currency.


The change of the Payout Amount


The intended Payout Amount for an overlimit action


Action amount, in the advertiser's currency. Only applicable for sale actions.


Corrected Amount from previous action.


The intended Sale Amount for an overlimit action


Currency for the action


Original (i.e. cart) currency for the action


Original (i.e. cart) amount for the action


The date of when the conversion took place


The date the action is created in the system


Date, in advertiser timezone, when the action will be locked.


Date, in advertiser timezone, when the action will be cleared.


Domain where the referral took place (if online)


Url of landing page (if online)


Customer Area, derived from IP address


Customer City, derived from IP address


Customer Region, derived from IP address


Customer Country Code, derived from IP address


A value that a Partner can include in the click URL which becomes available to your advertisers


Promo code


Customer status


Order ID


A note supplied with the reported action


Customer Post Code


Customer City, supplied with the reported action


Customer Country Code, supplied with the reported action


Customer Region, supplied with the reported action


Customer ID


Hashed Customer Email, supplied with the reported action


IP Address of the device


Phone number of the caller


Supplied with the reported action

E.g., {Text2}, {Text4}, {Text5}, {Text7}


Supplied with the reported action

E.g., {Date3}, {Date4}, {Date5}, {Date8}


Supplied with the reported action


Supplied with the reported action


Supplied with the reported action


Supplied with the reported action

E.g., {Numeric1}, {Numeric4}, {Numeric6}


Mobile app package


Mobile app name


Mobile app version


Device operating system


Device operating system version


Device manufacturer


Device model


MAC Address in upper case


MAC Address in lower case


MAC Address without colons


MAC Address without colons lower case


MAC Address hashed using SHA1


MAC Address lower case and hashed using SHA1


MAC Address hashed using MD5


MAC Address lower case and hashed using MD5


iOS advertising identifier


iOS advertising identifier hashed using SHA1


iOS advertising identifier hashed using MD5


iOS advertising identifier without hyphens


iOS Ad Tracking setting


Android ID


Android ID hashed using SHA1


Android ID hashed using MD5


SHA-1 hash of the MAC address of a phone?s wifi adapter


OpenUDID of device


Device ID


Device IP

Item-level parameters

If you collect item-level data for actions, you can also have this data included in your Action Lifecycle Event notifications.

"join" is a function that takes 3-5 arguments:

  • Argument 1: The collection.

  • Argument 2: A symbol to bind to each value in the collection.

  • Argument 3: The expression to compute for each member of the collection.

  • Argument 4: The optional separator between each expression (default is comma).

  • Argument 5: an optional lead-in, which will be present only if there is data in the collection.

Examples assuming 3 items with SKUs GH23, UT66, and RW87 respectively.

"items" is a collection of item data. Each item has "cat", "sku", "qty", "amt", "rbt", "name"...



{join(items, i, "sku{i}={i.sku}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "cat{i}={}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "qty{i}={i.qty}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "amt{i}={i.amt}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "cartamt{i}={i.cartamt}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "rbt{i}={i.rbt}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "name{i}={}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "promo{i}={}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "price{i}={i.price}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "brand{i}={i.brand}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "discount{i}={i.disc}", "&", "?")}


{join(items, i, "itemlist{i}={i.itemlist}", "&", "?")}


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