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Create a Notification for Monthly Volume Limits

If you're on a monthly payment processing contract with, you can easily configure a custom notification to alert you (or any account members) when your account is approaching your volume limit.

  • This notification only works for monthly payment processing volume contracts, not annual contracts. If you're on an annual processing volume contract and want to know where you are based on your annual limit, contact us via support or ask your CSM.

  • The notification is based on non-locked action volume, meaning the actual processing volume amount is subject to change based on reversals, contract changes, etc. It should be used as an estimate, not as the final amount.

Configure a volume limit notification

  1. From the left navigation bar, select bell-regular.svg [Notifications].

  2. In the upper right corner of the notification pane, select cog-solid.svg [Settings].

  3. At the top of the screen, select Custom Notifications.

  4. In the Notification Details section, Select the Account for this notification.

  5. Add a Notification Name and add a Notification Description. The description will appear in the notification that's sent.

  6. In the Notification Rules section, use the Look at activity by angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] to select Media across all campaigns.

  7. For Run Rules, select Once a Day.

  8. For the Date Range, select Month to Date.

  9. In the Rules box, use the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] to create the following logic:

    [Total cost] [greater than or equals] [monthly volume processing limit].


    Note: Refer to your contract with to find your monthly payout processing volume amount.

  10. Choose whether or not to share this with other members of your account, then select Save.

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