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View a List of Reversed Actions

Actions can be reversed or modified before they lock, so if an item is returned or an order is canceled, makes it easy to reverse or modify the order details to adjust the payout to the partner accordingly.

Filter & download the reversed actions list

  1. From the left navigation menu, select TransactionsPending Payouts → Reversed.

  2. Below Reversed Actions, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search] when you have the filters in place that you want.

    • For more filters, select plus-solid__1_.svg [Add] and select the additional filters that you want.

Base Filters




Filter actions based on the partner who generated it.

Event Type

Filter actions based on event type.


Filter actions based on the order ID (OID) of the action.

Action ID

Filter actions based on the Action ID.

Additional Filters

See additional filters by selecting plus-solid__1_.svg [Add].



Shared ID

View the SharedID of the action, if applicable.

Date Range

View actions over a specified date range.

Promo Code

View the promo code used, if applicable.

Reversal Reason

View the reason for which the action was reversed.

The reversal reason System Reattributed Order may appear for two reasons:

  1. You requested an action to be re-attributed before locking.

    • can correct attribution to ensure that actions not yet locked are still eligible for crediting. If you need assistance with reattributing any actions, contact support.

  2. actioned re-processing for data quality reasons.

    • For example, you may have provided incomplete information to the system when the actions were submitted, and backfilled such information later.

Download a list of reversed actions

  1. From the left navigation menu, select TransactionsPending Payouts → Reversed.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and select download-solid.svg [Download].

    • The full list of reversed actions will download to your device in .csv format.


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