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Track Customer Journeys Using Chained Actions

You can use Chained Actions to track an event funnel by utilizing parent and child action tracking. This feature is ideal for brands that want to track customer journeys, rather than individual actions. Remember that the parent action must be tracked before the child action when using Chained Actions. Otherwise, you lose out on valuable information about the steps that partner-driven traffic took. When there are chained actions, the child event is credited back to the parent event.

Example: You can credit a partner for driving a trial membership signup (the parent action), then credit the same partner when the customer converts their trial membership to a paid account (the child action). This is possible because tracks both actions as well as their relationship to each other.

A high-quality partner specializing in travel will likely have a high percentage of traffic that books hotel reservations (parent actions) and actually completes their stay a few months later (child action).

Chained Actions are especially helpful when you want to monitor how a partner contributes to the parent action converting to a child action. When it comes to reversals, parent and child actions need to be reversed individually.

Note: Refer to the Action/Conversion Data CSV—Template and References for examples and a reference for accepted parameters in this file. Reach out to your CSM to find out which parameters would be best to include in your Conversion Data template.

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