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Clicks from Expired Ads Report

The Clicks from Expired Ads report will show you if is still receiving click data from any ads that you have expired. This report will show you the specific ads as well as the partner(s) hosting the ad, making it easy to discover which partner should be notified to update the ads they are using the promote your brand.

View the report

You can schedule and save any reports you create here by using the buttons in the top-right corner of the screen.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Reports → More Reports.

  2. Use the Operations filter, then select Clicks from Expired Ads.

    • View the Table reference for more information on the table columns.


From here, you can see which expired ads are still generating clicks within the past 7 days, ordered by how many clicks they generated.

Table reference



Recent Clicks

Select Recent Clicks to view the the Recent Clicks from Expired Ads report. This report will show click details that a specific partner is driving for a specific expired ad.


View the partner driving clicks for the expired ad on a particular row. Select the partner's name to view their contact information.


See the expired ads that are still receiving clicks.

Ad Type

View the type of expired ads that are still receiving clicks.


See the number of clicks that the expired ad received in the past 7 days.

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