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Invalid Conversions Report

Invalid Conversions are actions that a partner drove, but will not be paid out for. While this can happen for many reasons, some are more common than others:

  • Too much time passed between the consumer clicking on the ad and purchasing the product.

  • No active product exists between the brand and the partner.

  • The active contract between the brand and the partner does not include the triggered event type.

You do not need to take any action regarding invalid conversions, but you can use the data this report provides to optimize your program. For example, a partner referring customers who consistently convert outside of the referral period might benefit from a "limited-time offer" ad.

Manage the report

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Reports → More Reports.

  2. In the Name search box, enter "Invalid Conversions."

  3. In the Name column, select Invalid Conversions.

    • You can also pin this report to your left navigation bar, by selecting Pin under Actions.

  4. Below Invalid Conversions, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search] when you have the filters in place that you want.

    • View the Filter reference for more information.

Filter reference



Date Range

Filter data by when it was created. You can also compare two periods of time against each other.

Media Type

Select if you want to view actions driven by partners, media sources, or unidentified sources.


Select which partner(s) you want to see data for.

Enter OID Value

If you want to look up a specific action by its action ID, enter that here.

Failure Reason

Filter for a specific reason actions can fail, like Media Not Active.

See the Failure reason reference for more information.

Include empty OIDs

Select if you want to include invalid conversions that have no order ID.

Duplicate OIDs

Select if you want to include invalid conversions that have duplicate order IDs.

Action Tracker

Now known as Event Types, select what event type you want to view invalid conversions for.


Select which groups of partners you want to view.

Promo Codes Only

Select if you only want to view invalid conversion for which a consumer used a promo code.


Select Geo Location from the drop-down menu if you want information on where the consumer was located when they converted on the ad (if it could be tracked).

Failure reason reference

Failure Reason


Action Tracker Is No Longer Active

Actions were driven for an event type (formerly action tracker) that has since expired.

Action Tracker Is Not Included in Insertion Order

While actions are being tracked by a valid event type, that event type is not included in the contract between you and that partner.

Blocked by Promo Code

Due to a restriction placed on the promo code a customer used, the conversion was deemed invalid.

Call Duration Too Short

The amount of time the call took was too short to be considered a valid conversion.

Call Occurred Outside Daily Range

The call happened outside the pre-defined time-of-day range.

Conversion Occurred Outside Association Window

The time between the click occurring and the conversion being tracked was outside the Click Referral Window.

Could not Match Caller Id

The call made could not be matched to the action tracked.

Crediting Rule Mismatch

The attribution model set up prevented this conversion from being validated.

Duplicate Call

The tracked call was deemed a duplicate of another call.

Duplicate Conversion

The conversion was deemed a duplicate of another conversion.

Incomplete Call

Not all call requirements were met, so the conversion was invalidated.

Malformed Conversion Data

The submitted conversion data was missing required data fields.

Max Recurrences Reached

The partner has hit their action cap as defined in your contract with them.

Media Not Active

The partner or media source that drove this conversion was not active at the time of the conversion.

Missing OID

Conversion data is missing its Order ID.

No Insertion Order Found

No active contract exists between you and the partner that drove the conversion.

Referral Type Not Accepted

The conversion's referral (e.g., Impression) was not accepted, which invalidated the conversion.

Restricted Promo Code

The partner drove a conversion using a promo code that is restricted from their use.

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