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Test & Troubleshoot a Postback URL

Test your Postback URL

Note: When testing, we recommend temporarily modifying your Postback URL to pass a hard-coded test value (e.g., "12345678" instead of {SubId1}) to avoid errors. If your server accepts the submission, you can safely revert your Postback URL back to use the variable.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select BrandsMy Brands.

    • Alternatively, for Creator accounts, select Discover → My Brands.

    • Alternatively, for direct partners, use the search-solid.svg [Search] to search for the My Brands screen.

  2. Find the Postback you want to test, then select Actions [Down caret] [Drop-down menu]→ Test.

Troubleshoot errors



Missing mandatory parameter

Your server is likely expecting a value instead of a variable. Modify your Postback URL to pass a test value (e.g., "12345678" instead of {SubId1}) and see if it accepts the hard-coded value.

Case-sensitive variables

Dynamic variables are case-sensitive and must be exact, meaning that {SubId1} is not the same as {subid1}. Double-check that your variables reflect the correct case-sensitivity.

Access Denied

Most Postback servers have a security token or value that must be passed along with the dynamic variables. Work with your website's technical team (or refer to your website provider's documentation) to learn about the token or security value needed to access the server.

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