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Enable Action Clearing Events Notifications

Event Notifications (or sometimes called event postbacks) are standard HTTP notifications that can notify you when an action, click, or other event occurs. Event Postbacks can be configured to feed event data into your internal reporting systems, giving an up-to-date view of your events.

Action Clearing Events will issue an HTTP request to a specified URL (and any included parameters) when actions are cleared. Learn more about the Action Life Cycle.

Set Up Action Clearing Event Notifications

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg MenuSettings.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile]  → Settings.

  2. Under Technical, select Event Notifications.

  3. Next to the Action Clearing Events, select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

  4. Enter your Server's URL. This is the URL to which will send postbacks.

  5. Select your preferred HTTP method.

    • If you select POST, you will then enter the body of the request. Below is an example of how you might want to map each data point for a JSON format. The keys in each key-value pair should be sourced from your own system’s setup, and the values will be your chosen coinciding data point that provides and should be entered in brackets { }.

      {"Action Life Cycle Postback", "campaign_id": "{CampaignId}", "action_tracker_id": "{ActionTrackerId}", "media_partner_id": "{MediaPartnerId}", "campaign_name": "{CampaignName}", "action_tracker_name": "{ActionTrackerName}", "media_partner_name": "{MediaPartnerName}", "action_type": "{ActionType}", "referring_type": "{ReferringType}", "action_id": "{ActionId}", "status": "{Status}", "status_detail": "{StatusDetail}", "ad_id": "{AdId}", "payout": "{Payout}", "delta_payout": "{DeltaPayout}", "intended_payout": "{IntendedPayout}", "amount": "{Amount}", "delta_amount": "{DeltaAmo unt}", "intended_amount": "{IntendedAmount}", "currency": "{Currency}", "original_currency": "{OriginalCurrency}", "original_amount": "{OriginalAmount}", "event_date": "{EventDate}", "creation_date": "{CreationDate}", "locking_date": "{LockingDate}", "cleared_date": "{ClearedDate}", "referring_domain": "{ReferringDomain}", "landing_page_url": "{LandingPageUrl}", "ref_customer_area": "{RefCustomerArea}", "ref_customer_city": "{RefCustomerCity}", "ref_customer_region": "{RefCustomerRegion}", "ref_customer_country": "{RefCustomerCountry}", "ref_click_id": "{RefClickId}", "shared_id": "{SharedId}", "sub_id1": "{SubId1}", "sub_id2": "{SubId2}", "sub_id3": "{SubId3}", "text_1": "{Text1}", "text_2": "{Text2}", "promo_code": "{PromoCode}", "items": [{join(items, i, "\{\"sku\":\"{i.sku}\", \"item_price\":{i.amt}, \"category\":\"{}\", \"quantity\":{i.qty}, \"cartamt\":{i.cartamt},\"rbt\":\"{i.rbt}\", \"name\":\"{}\", \"category_list\":\"{i.itemlist}\"\}")}]\}
    • Once you've enter the body, choose a Body Format by selecting the dot-circle-regular.svg [Radio button].

      • Query String

      • JSON

      • XML

    • View some of's available body parameters.

    • Don't see a value you need? Reach out to your Publisher Account Manager (or contact support).

  6. Select Action Clearing Events arrow-down-solid.svg. These settings are optional.

    • Enter an HTTP Header as a way to pass additional information between you and the server.

    • Enter a Minimum Delay (in seconds) to wait after the event occurs before sending the postback.

    • Enter the Maximum Requests — this is the maximum number of resend requests that the system should make per second.

    • Enter what you want the Success Response to the postback to be.

    • Enter what you want the Error Response to the postback to be.

  7. Select Save.

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