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Update & Manage Your Public Profile

Your Public Profile is the first point of contact that brands will have with you. It describes who you are, what you offer, and how you want to work with brands. Spend some time polishing it—a compelling and professional profile is essential for attracting brands that are a good fit!

Edit Public Profile details

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Menu] [Menu] → Settings.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select [User] [User Profile]  → Settings.

  2. Under the Profile section, select Public Profile.

  3. Edit your public profile, then select Save.

    • Refer to the Public Profile components section below for details on each setting.

  4. Make sure your media properties are connected and verified—brands will also see them as part of your public profile.


Public Profile components

Your public profile is divided into several sections where you can write about yourself, provide your media kit, and help brands learn more about you.


The Profile section is where you’ll tell brands about yourself and add keywords to help them find you. Specify the types of brands you’re interested in working with and how you prefer to collaborate.


Select a professional image or recognizable logo to appear in the marketplace and on your public profile. Recommended size is 80 x 80 pixels.


The most crucial element of your profile is the Description.  You have up to 1,000 characters to provide specifics about what you do, your area of expertise, your target audience, and why brands should collaborate with you.  Make sure you share your unique value proposition—show the brand why you stand out!

Noah Lott Media connects brands with top content creators to reach millennial and Gen Z consumers. Our data-driven network focuses on quality content and drives measurable results. Partner with us today!

Content and Interests

Enter keywords for your profile. When brands search for partners using these terms, your profile may appear. At least 1 term must be included.


  • The list must be comma-separated, without any spaces between keywords.

  • Make sure you use keywords that are popular in your vertical.

  • Include any additional, non-primary business models as keywords.

Example: lifestyleblogger,techreview,beautyblogger,homeessentials,millennialmarketing,genzshopping,shopthestyle,sustainablebrands,trendingtech,wellnessproducts

Business Model

Select the business model that most closely matches your own from the drop-down list. If you fall under several business models, you can include others in your description or as a keyword under your Content and Interests.

Personal information

Note: This section is only applicable for creators and social influencers.

Share your personal information with so that the platform can provide better suggestions on which brands or programs to work with. All personal information fields are optional and will not be made public on your profile.

Shipping information

Note: This section is only applicable for creators and social influencers.

Specify your shipping address information that a brand would use to deliver products or gifts as part of their program. This information will not be added to your public profile.

Additional information

Include additional information about yourself for brands. If you want to add your website, social media profiles, and other media properties, refer to Connect & Manage Media Properties.

Note: If your media kit or portfolio is digital, we recommend including a link to it in this section. Make sure your media kit or portfolio is regularly reviewed and updated.


Select [Toggle on] [Toggle] to include additional links in your profile that you'd like to share with prospective brands.


Select at least one primary contact for your marketplace listing.

Marketplace Contacts

This is the contact information that will be shown to brands you are partnered with and brands that find you in the Marketplace.

Use the dropdown to view and select [Checked box] [Checked box] next to the users you want to display as a point of contact on your public profile. You can choose multiples if needed. Options come from the Account users screen.

Media Kit

If you have a media kit, upload it to for brands to view and download from your public profile. A detailed media kit showcasing your stats, rates, and success stories goes a long way in helping brands feel confident working with you.

If your media kit is digital, you can add a link to it in the Additional Links section.

Media Kit PDF

Select Choose File to find and upload your media kit PDF documents. You can upload multiple files. Each file must be less than 5 MB.


Note: If you want to temporarily hide your public profile from new brands, you can select the[Checked box] [Checked box] below Pause Profile. Any brands you're already partnered with can still see your profile.

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