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Contract History Detail Report

The Contract History Detail Report shows you more details about a particular program's contract history. Information like event types, cookie windows, and action locking periods can be viewed here.

  1. From the top of the partner screen, select Reports → More Reports.

  2. From the Category filter next to the search bar, select Contract

  3. Select Contract History Detail.

  4. From the Program filter, select the program for which you want to view contract history and then select [Search] [Search].

    • Once the report is generated, select any of the column headers to order the table rows according to that column.

    • See the Report reference for all the information you can get from the report.

Report reference

Table Column


Date Started

View the brand that you worked with for a particular set of template terms. All rows should have the same brand.

Date Started

See the date that the contract began.

Date Ended

See the date that the contract ended, if it has ended.


View the set of template terms that governed the contract.


See if the contract was created from a standard set of template terms or a custom set. Custom terms are specially created by your partnered brand and are added onto the standard terms.

Contract Status

The left column with this name. View if you have an active relationship with your partnered brand, or if the partnership is closed.

Contract Status

The right column with this name. View if the contract governing that row is the active agreement with your partnered brand, or an older, inactive contract.

Change Notification Period

See how many days your partnered brand gave you to prepare to move off of the contract for that row.

Event Type

View how you drove actions for the brand and got paid. For instance, Online Sale/CPA means your audience bought something from the brand's online marketplace.

Event ID

See the event ID number has assigned to actions you drive.

Crediting Rule

View how the brand decided how to pay you. For instance, Last Click means you drove the customer to select the checkout button on the brand's online marketplace.


See how much money you earned for driving an action while on a particular contract. This number can either be a fixed amount or a percentage of a purchase.

Cookie Window

View how long's tracking browser cookie stay in an audience member's browser after they click on an asset you host.

This is used to ensure you are still credited with driving an action even if a customer decides to wait before buying from your partnered brand.


See how many time the contract for that row governed your business relationship with your partnered brand.

Locking Period

View how the brand groups together payable actions you drove.

For example, if the cell says Month, then actions you drove on the 10th, 15th, and 17th day of June would not begin their action locking period until July 1st.

Locking Days After Period

See how many days after the end of the locking period that the action locking period ends.

For example, if the action locking period begins on July 1st and lasts for 15 days, actions for June will lock at 12am on July 16th.

This number is dictated by the contract for that row. If the cell says "0," this type of scheduling may not apply to the contract for that row.

Locking Months After Period

Similar to Locking Days After Period, see how many months after the end of the locking period that the action locking period ends.

Payment Day of Month

After an action locks, view the day your account will be credited from the partnered brand. This will happen instead of the brand's payment scheduling period.

This number is dictated by the contract for that row. If the cell says "0," this type of scheduling may not apply to the contract for that row.

Payment Days After Locking

See how many days after the end of the action locking period that the brand's payment scheduling period ends.

For example, if the action locking period ends at 12am July 16th and lasts for 15 days, actions for June will be eligible for payout at 12am on July 31st.

This number is dictated by the contract for that row. If the cell says "0," this type of scheduling may not apply to the contract for that row.

Payment Days After Lock Month

View how many days after actions lock for a particular month that they are eligible for payout.

For example, if actions for June lock at 12am on August 1st and the payment scheduling period is 15 days, actions for June are eligible for payout at 12am on August 16th.

This number is dictated by the contract for that row. If the cell says "0," this type of scheduling may not apply to the contract for that row.

Payment Months After Lock Month

View how many months after actions lock for a particular month that they are eligible for payout.

For example, if actions for June lock at 12am on August 1st and the payment scheduling period is 1 month, actions for June are eligible for payout at 12am on September 1st.

This number is dictated by the contract for that row. If the cell says "0," this type of scheduling may not apply to the contract for that row.

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