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Credit Card Product Catalogs for Partners

A credit card product catalog is a data feed file that provides detailed information about credit card products on a brand’s site. Product feeds are useful for a variety of applications, such as building out a comparison shopping engine inventory or product storefront.

Access available catalogs

The Product Catalogs page provides detailed information about product groups from a brand’s site. The list is formed from the catalogs provided by each brand and enables you to download a file containing only the desired product information based on your specifications.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Content → Product Catalogs.

  2. Hover over your desired catalog and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] → View Details.

  3. The catalog details page provides links for direct downloads, FTP server details, and an API access link.

    Open downloads in Excel

    To open downloaded files in MS Excel without character encoding issues, do the following:

    1. Open a new blank workbook in MS Excel.

    2. From the top menu ribbon, select File → Import.

    3. Open the downloaded product catalog file.

    4. Select the following import settings and follow the prompts to import the file:

      • CSV

      • Delimited

      • File Origin: Unicode UTF-8

      • Comma Separated

Access products

The Products (Credit Card) page provides detailed information about individual products from a brand’s site. The list is formed from the product catalogs provided by brands and enables you to download a file containing only the desired products based on your specifications. This option will only be visible if you have a relationship with brands that are uploading Credit Card catalogs.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Content → Products (Credit Card).

  2. Use the checkboxes to select desired items or select all items on any given page.

  3. Click the Download button (top left) to download a single file for the selections.

Access product catalog via API

API Access enables you to search for product catalogs/items for brands with whom you have an API relationship.

  • The Get API access link directs you to a separate screen with API credentials.

  • The Learn more link directs you to API documentation.

  • The View items link directs you to the API login screen to login and begin searching for catalogs.

    • All feeds listed are the most up-to-date versions provided by the brand.


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