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Request a Content Syndication

Content Syndications are assets that are kept up-to-date via RSS Feeds external-link-alt-solid.svg by your partnered brand. If you want to start using syndications, you can request your partnered brand to create one.

Request your first content syndication

If none of your partnered brands have given you access to a syndication, you will need to contact a partnered brand directly to make that request. Learn how to contact a brand.

Request another syndication

After you have access to the Content Syndications screen (i.e., you have access to at least 1 syndication), you can request another syndication in a few simple steps.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Content caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Content Syndication.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select Request Content Syndications.

  3. In the Brand Details section, choose the Brand from the drop-down menu, and optionally the Deal associated with the brand's asset.

  4. In the General section, select the language you want the asset in, the date needed, and decide if you want the asset to be exclusive to just your use.

  5. Use the Additional Instructions comment box to add details about your request.

  6. Select Submit to send your request to the brand. View the Asset request status section to get updates on your request.


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