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Schedule Start & End Dates for Ads

Ads can be scheduled with start and end dates for limited or seasonal promotions. You can schedule these availability periods on a per-ad basis.

Schedule start and end dates for existing ads

To schedule start and end dates for new ads, use the Available Dates section of the form when first creating a new ad.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Ads.

  2. Find the ad you want to schedule from the list, then, select Update Ad.

  3. Next to Available Dates, select [Edit].

  4. Select [toggle on] Set start and end date for this ad.

  5. Use the fields to set a start date, start time, expiration date, and expiration time for the ad, along with time zones for each.

  6. If you want to display another ad when this one expires, select [Checked box] Fallback to another ad on expiration and select your chosen fallback ad.

    • The chosen fallback ad should be the same type and size as the existing ad.


      This option is only visible for image ads.

  7. If you want to change the landing page of the ad after it expires, select [Checked box] Change landing page on expiration. From here, you can enter a URL that the user will be sent to, and, optionally, you can elect to use an interstitial page.


    This option is found in the Time Limited Promotion section for coupon ads.

  8. Select Save to complete the process.

Set future-dated ads as visible to partners

Future-dated ads will not activate until the start date you set during ad creation. If you want your future-dated ads to be visible to your partners, you must enable the Display Future Ads setting.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Menu] → Settings.

  2. In the Program column, under General, select Ad Settings.

  3. Next to Defaults, check the Allow partners to view ads with a future start date option.

  4. Select Save.

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