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Add Labels to Ads

Labels are a tool to help you organize your ads into categories such as size, promotions, offer dates, keywords, or any other category that may be relevant to you or your partners. Multiple labels can be created and added to ads.

Add labels to ads

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Ads.

  2. On the main ads screen, find the ad to which you want to add a label and select Update.

  3. On the main ad screen, find Labels and start typing in the field to search for existing labels or select (create “your_label”) to create a new label.

    • Multiple labels can be added at a time by separating the labels with a comma.

    • Labels will automatically save once you've added them.

  4. Once completed, return to the main ads screen.

    • You can filter for label(s) assigned to your ads using the Label filter in the left navigation panel.

Edit or remove ad labels

  1. On the main ads screen, hover over the ad for which you want to edit or remove a label, then select square-regular.svg [Checkbox].

  2. Select the tag-solid.svg [Label] drop-down menu.

  3. Select the square-regular.svg [Checkbox] next to the existing label you want to add.

    • Select check-square-solid__2_.svg [Selected checkbox] to remove that label from all selected ads.

    • To add a new label, type the label's name in the text box and select plus-circle-solid__1_.svg Add new label.

  4. Select Apply when you're done.

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