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Restrict Partner Access to Ads

Ads that you upload (and have previously uploaded) to can be restricted so that only certain partners or partner groups can use them to promote your brand. By default, all partners have access to your ads unless you specify otherwise.

Restrict partner access for new ads

Enabling this feature makes the ad inaccessible to all partners (and groups) except the ones you specify.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg Engage → Content → Ads.

  2. In the upper-right, select Create Ad angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu].

    • Select the type of ad you want to create, e.g., Image.

    • Fill out the ad details.

  3. Locate the Restrict Partner Access setting at the bottom of the Ad Details section.

  4. Select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Allow access to only specific Partners.

  5. Use the fields and arrows to restrict access to particular partner groups.

    • Select a Partner Group from the list and use the arrow-alt-circle-right-solid.svg [Forward arrow] to move it into the Groups to have access field.

  6. Use the search bar to search for individual partners to make the ad only available to them.

  7. When done making changes, select Save.

    • All partners and partner groups that you didn't give access to will be excluded from accessing the ad.


Restrict partner access for existing ads

  1. From the left navigation bar, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg Engage → Content → Ads.

  2. Hover on the ad to which you want to restrict access, then select Update.

  3. Select the Restrict Partner Access field at the bottom of the Ad Details section.

  4. Select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Allow access to only specific Partners to enable it.

  5. Use the fields and arrows to restrict access to particular partner groups.

    • Select a Partner Group from the list and use the arrow-alt-circle-right-solid.svg [Forward arrow] to move it into the Groups to have access field.

  6. Use the search bar to search for individual partners to make the ad only available to them.

  7. When done making changes, select Save.

    • All partners and partner groups that you didn't give access to will be excluded from accessing the ad.


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