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Create an Email Ad

Email ads are a type of advertisement your partners can utilize in their email drops to their audience, driving traffic to your website or product(s).

You can make email ads available to your partners in either HTML or image format.

Create an email ad

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Engage] [Engage] →  ContentAds.

  2. In the top-right corner, select Create Ad [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu]Email.

  3. Enter the Name of the ad.

  4. In the Email Type field, select [Radio button] [Radio Button] to provide HTML content or Image Content for your partner(s) to use for their email drop.

    Paste your HTML code for the ad in the Html Content field.

    • HTML content must contain at least one anchor tag. For example:

      • Make sure clickable links and form actions use absolute URLs. All href anchor values are replaced with tracking links by default. To prevent a link from being replaced by a tracking link, add the parse="no" attribute to your anchor tag. For example:

    • The {unsub_ulr} token can be used where you want the unsubscribe URL to be placed in the content.

    • Optionally, enter the Plain Text Content of the email to enable your partners to send multi-part emails. This content must not contain HTML.

    • Included URLs must be absolute and use {trackurl_start} and {trackurl_end} tokens around trackable URLs.

    • The {unsub_url} token can be used where you want the unsubscribe URL to be placed in the content.

  5. Enter Approved Subject Lines for the email ad. These will be the subjects that partners may use for their email drops.

    • Select [Add] [plus] Add Another Subject to add additional approved subject lines.

  6. Enter Approved 'From' Address Name for the email ad. These are names that partners may use to send emails from.

    • Select [Add] [plus] Add Another ‘From’ Address Name to add additional names.

  7. Optionally, enter a Description of the email ad.

  8. Enter the Landing Page to which the email ad should redirect.

    • You can set up a custom landing page by selecting Custom from the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu].

    • If the image ad is hosted on a mobile app, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Mobile Fallback, then enter the app store link.

  9. [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Add metadata to this ad.

    • From the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu], select the field and enter the value of the query parameters you want to pass.

      • You can add more parameters by selecting [Add] [Add Item].

      • Metadata added to your ads will be appended to the end of the ad's tracking links.

      • If you select the Custom parameter you can set both the parameter name and value.

        Note: You can use the dynamic tokens {iradid} and {irpid} as values for any of the metadata query parameters available, including Custom.

        replace 1
        replace 2
  10. From the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] select the Deal list this ad should be.

    • Optionally, select Add new deal to add a new deal to this ad.

  11. Add Labels to the ad so your partners can more easily find it.

  12. [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Available Dates to set start and end date for this ad.

    • Select [Unchecked box] [Unchecked box] change landing page on expiration.

  13. [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Restrict Partner Access to set which partners can use this ad. Search for the partners you want this ad to be usable for from the Search partners field.

  14. Select [Radio button] [Radio Button] to choose your Unsubscribe Method.

    Unsubscribe Method
    • If you don’t have an existing scrub file you can use’s in-house solution for unsubscribe management. will provide an unsubscribe link that can be appended to your email ad. (See point 6 of the instructions above).

    • When an email recipient clicks this unsubscribe link, will store the recipient’s email address in an unsubscribe database and update your suppression list.

    • Your suppression list will be made available to partners when they pull the email ad from or upon approval of an email drop request and an unsubscribe link will be automatically appended to your email ad.

  15. Adding Promotional Themes can help you organize ads by what time of the year the ad is for, and partners can also find these ads more conveniently for their marketing efforts.

    • [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Seasonal and select which seasonal theme you want to add from the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu].

    • [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Top Seller to select the offer as Offer is a top selling item.

  16. Optionally, select Show Advanced Settings [Down arrow] expand and configure settings.

    Advanced Settings
    • Select in which Language you want to serve this ad from the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu].

    • [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Telephone Number if you want accept requests for a custom version of this ad with a unique telephone numbers.

    • [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Promo Codes if you want to accept requests for a custom version of this ad that utilizes a promo code.

    • For Customization Charge you can charge partners a fee for you to create a custom version of this ad for them. If you want to do this, enter the charge here.

    • Select [Unchecked box] [Unchecked box] Setup a third-party impression pixel for this ad if you want to record how users interact with your ad.

  17. Select Next and preview your email ad.

    • From here, you can send a test email (Send Test Email), Save, or (Save and Make Available for Use).

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