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Approve, Reverse, & Modify Pending Payouts for Actions

Actions can be approved, reversed, or modified before they lock, making it easy for you to adjust partner payouts accordingly.


Refer to Filter & Download Pending Payouts List before continuing with this article

Approve actions


Actions will automatically lock based on your contract terms, so you typically won't need to approve actions.

  1. Navigate to engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage].

  2. Select Transactions → Pending Payouts → Actions.

    • You will see a table containing all partner actions that are pending payout.

  3. Under the Actions column, select the caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu].

  4. Select Approve.

  5. The action will approve for locking.

Modify actions
  1. Navigate to engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage].

  2. Select Transactions → Pending Payouts → Actions.

    • You will see a table containing all partner actions that are pending payout.

  3. Double-click on one of the table entries or select plus-square-solid.svg [Expand] to view additional details about an action.

  4. Select Modify to load the Modify Item Details page.

  5. Under Item Details, select Reject item to reverse the action or Modify Sales Amount to adjust the action details.

  6. Select a Reason for Modification/Rejection.

  7. Select Modify to save the modification.

Reverse actions
  1. Navigate to engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage].

  2. Select Transactions → Pending Payouts → Actions.

    • You will see a table containing all partner actions that are pending payout.

  3. Under the Actions column, select the caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu].

  4. Select Reverse and choose a reason from the options provided.

  5. will complete the reversal.


Restore reversed actions

To restore a reversed action to a valid pending state, select Approve in the Actions column to override the reversal. The action will return to the Pending Payouts: Actions page, and will lock based on the contract terms established with the partner.

If you have any orders you wish to have re-attributed, can correct attribution to ensure that orders not yet locked are still eligible for crediting with the use of re-processing. If you need assistance with re-processing or reattributing any orders, contact support.

Automate returns processing

If you don’t want to process your reversals manually, there are a few ways to automate the process. You can set up an event type and specify your preferred option of automated returns processing.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] Settings.

  2. Under Tracking, select Event Types.

  3. Hover your cursor over the event type for which you want to automate returns processing and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]View / Edit.

  4. Select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit] on the right-hand end of the Returns Processing row.

    • For more information about the options here, see the Returns processing options reference below.

  5. Select Save.

Returns processing options reference



Use system web service (API)

Use's Web Services API to automate your batch reversals. Learn more.

Upload file to system FTP server

Use's FTP server to batch reversals. Learn more.

Pull file from your own FTP server

Submit returns/modifications to your server and have retrieve your batch file for processing. retrieves batch files daily. You will need to provide your FTP login credentials. Learn more.

Email file to system SMTP server

Select this option to send your file as an attachment to an email address unique to your campaign. Learn more.

Integrate with Salesforce

You can integrate Salesforce with so that updating an item’s status in Salesforce will update the same item’s status in Learn more.

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