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Filter & Download Pending Payouts List tracks all actions as valid by default and generates a list on the Pending Payouts screen so that you can audit them before they lock.

Filter pending payouts list

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Transactions → Pending Payouts → Actions.

    • You can use this list to audit your partners' actions.

  2. Below Pending Payouts, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search]. when you have the filters in place that you want.

    • For more filters, select plus-solid__1_.svg [Add] and select the additional filters that you want.

Default Filters




Filter for actions driven by a specified partner.

Event Type

Filter for actions of a selected event type. You can select from any event type that has been configured for your program, e.g., Click.


Filter for all actions associated with a specified order. The order ID is a string that acts as an order's unique identifier.

Action Id

Filter for a specific action (sale, app install, subscription, etc.) by inputting its unique identifier.

Additional Filters



Shared Id

Filter for actions with a specified shared ID. This is a value that is visible to both you and the partner and which can be appended to a tracking link for reporting purposes.

Promo Code

Filter for actions with a specified promo code, meaning a unique value that allows customers to get a discount checkout.

Status Detail

Filter for actions with a selected status, e.g., MODIFY.

Date Range

View actions that were driven over a specified time period.

Download pending payouts list

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Transactions → Pending Payouts → Actions.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list.

  3. Select download-solid.svg [Download]Download as CSV.

    • The full list of pending actions will download to your device in .csv format.


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