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Set Payout Rules For Exception Lists

Once a category, SKU, or promo code exception list is active, you can add it to template terms under the Payout Groups option.

[lock|Set payout rules for exception lists]

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Contracts → Template Terms.

  2. Find the template terms to which you want to add the promo code exception list. In the Actions column, select [Down caret] [Drop-down menu]→ Modify Terms.

    • If you want to create new template terms, select Create Template Terms in the upper right corner.

  3. Next to Payout Groups, select [Toggle on] [Toggle on], then select Add New.

  4. From the first [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] next to Rules, select one of the following options:

    • List for Order Promo Code

    • List for Item Category

    • List for Item SKU

  5. Continue the rule configuration by selecting Is as the operator and the value of the exception list item. The names of the lists will auto-populate based on what is already set up.

    • E.g. List for Item Category is Apparel

  6. Set the Payout you want for items on the list.

  7. Select Add to complete the process.


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