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Troubleshoot Broken Tracking Links

Important: These potential causes and solutions only act as guardrails and we may require more information regarding your tracking links.

If you encounter any discrepancy in data from what you see in your internal system, you may be required to perform some troubleshooting steps. Some Discrepancies can include:

  • A flatline in the number of actions in reports.

  • For UTT: In the Browser Console, if the UTT, Identify, or Conversion tag shows anything besides a 200 response code.

  • For API: If you are submitting actions to the conversions endpoint and the response is anything other than a 200 response code.

  • For Plugins: If you make an order using an tracking link and it does not show in your account. In the Browser Console, if the PageLoad event is showing a 400 response code, check if your site definition is correct. If there is no PageLoad event showing, reinstall the plugin.

  • For FTP: If you submitted your batch file and the actions do not show in the platform after 2 hours.

  1. Identify your tracking option.

  2. Identify the date on which the issue started.

  3. Identify if any changes were made to the UTT placed on your website that coincide with the drop in tracking data.

    • Website updates can sometimes unintentionally break your tracking integration if there is interference with the UTT. Refer to your technical integration plan to see how the tracking tags should be set up.

  4. Identify potential causes for the broken tracking link.

    Common causes for tracking link issues


    Potential cause


    The link you clicked on is malformed. Contact the editor of the originating page.

    Permitted Deep Link Domains

    Ensure that the permitted deep link domains in the Gateway Tracking Settings include the domain to which the tracking link redirects.

    Blocking & Redirect Rules

    Ensure that no unexpected blocking or redirect rules affect traffic by either rerouting or blocking users.

    Valid Ad and Campaign ID

    Ensure that the ad's tracking link points to a valid Ad and Program ID. Use the following link template to identify the ad and campaign IDs:

    {tracking domain}/c/{media partner id}/{ad id}/{campaign id}

    Disassemble URL

    Some cases are unclear and require a dismantling of the tracking link (or landing page URL) parameters. You can test the link by removing parameters from it. Sometimes this can uncover which parameter and value pair are not being accepted.

    If you suspect a tracking link with several parameters added, test the bare tracking link with no additional parameters to see if it works.

    The link you clicked on has expired. We apologize for any inconvenience.


    The partner may be blocklisted from your program. If you want to remove the partner from the blocklist, contact support.

    No Error

    Partner Tracking Template

    Ensure that the {clickId} parameter is configured. Not having this parameter won’t block the user from reaching your site, but it would negatively affect tracking the user journey and attribution.

    Learn how to configure the partner tracking template.

    External Redirects

    There are cases in which the tracking link works as expected and the user is redirected to the configured landing page, but you may have an external redirect unrelated to which may be causing problems (such as missing parameters or unexpected landing pages).

  5. If’s technical support is needed, contact support and include a summary of your findings from the steps above for an expedited response from our team.

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