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Invite New Partners to Your Campaign

Note: This functionality is in beta. Contact your CSM or our support team if you'd like to test this feature.

When you invite new partners to a campaign, you can include the campaign's default statement of work (SOW), or you can customize the SOW to tailor compensation, task assignments, usage rights, and more.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Engage] [Engage] → Campaign Manager → Performance.

  2. Hover over an active campaign and select Manage.

  3. Select Invite Partners in the upper-right corner.

  4. Add partners to the campaign using one of the following methods:

    • Groups: Invite partner groups to apply to this campaign.

    • Partners: Invite individual partners to apply to this campaign.

    • Email addresses: Enter the partner's email address to invite them via email.

  5. Invite the partner groups, or individuals using one of the following methods:

    • Send invite: Invite the partners to the campaign's default SOW.

    • Invite with custom proposal: Customize the campaign's default SOW to fit specific creators' profiles currently active in the marketplace. You specified the SOW when you created the campaign.

    • Copy Invite Link: Copy the campaign's invitation link containing either the default or custom SOW and send it directly to the partner. From the link, they can complete the campaign's sign-up flow.

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