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Increase Your Partners' Compensation for a Performance Campaign

Note: This functionality is in beta. Contact your CSM or our support team if you'd like to test this feature.

As a brand, you can increase your Hired partners' compensation amount if you feel that they're performing well.

Note: Compensation increases are available if the SOW uses flat fee compensation. For other compensation types, like performance-based CPA, compensation can't be increased.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Engage] [Engage] → Campaign ManagerPerformance.

  2. Hover your cursor over the campaign in which the partner participates and select Manage Campaign.

  3. On the Applicants screen, select the Hired tab.

  4. Hover your cursor over the partner whose compensation you want to increase and select [Menu] [More]Increase Compensation.

  5. Enter a New amount and select SaveSave Changes.

    • The Increase compensation action updates the amount in the SOW but does not trigger payment. The payment is still triggered by the Pay action.

    • Partners will be notified when their compensation is increased.

    Important: Once you have set the New amount as increased compensation, you cannot decrease it.

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