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Manage My Partners

Once you have formed partnerships, you can manage a list of these partners from the My Partners screen.

Manage your partners

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Engage] [Engage] → Partners → Partners.

    • Select [Reports bar chart] [Graph icon] to view the Performance by Partner report, the Partner tracking settings, or the Partner contact list.

    • You can also Bulk Edit or Download Partner Email List from this screen.

  2. Search for or filter your partners using the filtering tools below My Partners.

    • See the Filter reference below for more information about the filtering tools.

      Filter reference



      Search bar

      Filter through your partners by searching for their name, unique partner ID, or URL.


      Filter your partners according to whether they are in an active, expired or suspended state of the partnership.

      Group Name

      Filter your partners to a specific partner group they are assigned to.

      Contract Status

      Filter partners by the type of contract they are signed to.

      Terms Updates

      Filter your partners based on any updates to their terms, e.g. Partners who have pending proposals, or partners whose contracts have recently expired.

      Select [Menu] [More] to see additional filter options.

      Relationship Type

      Filter to partners that either directly partnered with you or have partnered with you through the marketplace.


      Filter partners based on the country they are from.


      Filter partners based on the state or the province they are from.

  3. Select [Column] [Columns] to add additional columns to the My Partners screen.

    • See the Columns reference below for more information about the different columns.

      Column reference




      This column provides a URL that grants temporary access to the partner account.

      You can only access your partner's account if they've only joined your program via a direct sign-up link. Contact support if you want this option enabled.


      The partner's unique name, ID, and location can be found in this column.

      Direct Partner

      This column will display a [Checked circle] [Check] if a partner is a direct partner with you, as opposed to one that joined through the marketplace.


      This column displays a list of labels indicating the different groups the partner is associated with.


      This column shows the various contracts the partner is currently signed to.

      Date Joined

      This column displays the date the partner joined your program.


      Select the [Signal] [Graph] to view the performance report for a particular partner.

  4. To the far right of the partner row, you can select [Menu] [More] for various actions to help manage your partners.

    • See the Actions reference below for the various actions you can perform for each partner.

      Actions reference




      This action allows you to manage notes about the partner. You can also view further details here such as communications history, who the account manager is, the current status and more.


      This action allows you to choose from a range of actions associated with the contract between you and the partner. To learn more, view the contracts section.


      This action gives you a set of options related to tracking events between you and the partner. To learn more, view the tracking section.

      Partner Integration

      This action allows you to help your partners in setting up either partner tracking pixels or postbacks to sync event data with the partner's own system.

      Account Manager

      This action allows you to specify an account manager for the selected partner. You can make contact information available for each of your direct partners to enable them to contact the proper person on your team.

      Client Cost Settings

      This action allows you to enable client costs for the partner. Select their default cost type and action tracker exceptions here.

      Compliance Settings

      This action allows you to customize review schedules and audit rates. You can override how frequent the review schedule for a partner is as well as how frequently they are audited.


      This action opens up the chat window. From the chat window you can either send the partner a message or open up the messaging center by selecting [Menu] [More] → View in Inbox.


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