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Overview of the Partners UI for Brands

Partners and Brands have different user interfaces when they use In this article, we will look at the Partner user interface and get a brief overview of what they see when they work on


Note: The Finance Widget offers a detailed view of partners' payouts, including their daily earnings, pending payouts owed to them, and their current balance.

Top navigation bar

The top navigation bar is where Partners manage brands, run reports, find ads and tracking links supplied by the brands they’ve partnered with, see their account balance, and more.


The home page of Impact includes the dashboard, which provides an at-a-glance view of the happenings in a partner’s account.


Partners can manage their relationships with brands as well as browse the Brands Marketplace from the Brands tab.


The Reports screen holds all the reporting features for partner accounts; partners can see how their ads perform, how many actions their tracking links generate, and more.


Here partners will find ads and tracking links for all of the brands with which they’ve partnered. They can also submit ad requests to brands here.


If partnered with a brand, partners can view the products they're advertising in a list here.


This menu shows the current balance in a partner’s account, as well as a angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] with finance-related options, like an earnings report, withdrawals, funds transfer, and more.

Left navigation bar

The left navigation bar includes options related to a partner’s account: notifications, messaging inbox, global search, API & data feeds, settings, and more.


Opens the global search-partners can input keywords or phrases to search all of Impact in seconds.


Partners can view notifications about their accounts, updates to their contracts, and configure their notification frequency settings.

Create a Link

Provides partners with quick access to the Create a Link feature for creating new vanity links.

Messaging Inbox

This button opens the partner messages inbox. They can use this menu to communicate with you or other brands with which they are partnered.

API / Data Feeds

Partners can access their API credentials and configure data feed settings here.

More Menu (Triple Dot Menu)

Partners can access the Settings menu from here, as well as see the latest release notes from


Partners can view their profile details. Includes options to edit their profile or to sign out of


The create a link widget is a quick way for Partners to create new short links and vanity links to promote the brand(s) they work with. These links have tracking capabilities built right in.

  1. They first select the brand they wish to promote from the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu].

  2. Then they will enter a landing page, or leave this field blank to use the brand's default landing page.

    • For example, if they're trying to create a short link to a brand's particular product or service, you can put the URL to that page here.

  3. In the link section, select:

    • http(s)://—the link will attempt to use the secure version of HTTP if possible, but will use regular HTTP as a fallback

    • http://—the link will only use regular HTTP.

    • https://—the link will only use the secure version of HTTP.

  4. If they wish to customize the short link (known as vanity links), they can select [Edit] and change the text after the slash (/) in the link.

    • For example, they change the link to to indicate that this link sends viewers to the brand Acme's new birdseed product.

  5. They can select Advanced to view the advanced options to add Sub ID and Shared ID values. See the SubID and SharedID article for details on these advanced features.

  6. Finally, they select Create to create the new link.

Partners can also select the facebook-square.svg Facebook icon and/or the square-x-twitter__4_.svg X icon to share this link directly on their social media accounts.

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