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[Beta] for Chrome Extension V2 Overview has a deep linking web extension for Google Chrome which allows you to create tracking links on the fly for joined brand programs that have opted-in to allow for deep linking. Check to see if they allow for deep linking.

Key functionality

  • Generate tracking links to a partnered brand's product page

  • Apply and join brand programs

  • Notifications when a tracking link can be created

  • Add custom reporting parameters to your links

  • Copy links to your clipboard

Download and set up the extension

  1. Download the extension directly from the Chrome Store [External link].

  2. Pin the extension for ease of access. You can pin the extension by doing the following:

    • In the header bar of your browser, select [Extension] [Extensions].

    • Next to for Chrome, select [Pin] [Pin].

  3. Select the pinned extension and enter your partner account Username and Password, or sign in using SSO.

    • If you have multiple partner accounts tied to the username, use the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down] menu in the upper-left corner to swap between accounts to create links from each account.


Sign in via SSO

  1. Open the extension by selecting it in the upper-right corner of your header bar.

  2. Select the SSO option you want:

    • _Google_.svg [Google]

    • _Apple2_.svg [Apple]

    • [Old Facebook] [Facebook]

    • _LinkedIn_.svg [LinkedIn]

  3. Follow the prompts to log in to the SSO provider (e.g., Google).

  4. Select the extension in your header bar to reopen it in a logged-in state.


Once you've set up the extension, you can begin generating tracking links for brands with which you are partnered.

  1. Open the website or landing page of a brand with which you're partnered.

    • A notification will appear in the upper-right corner if the website domain matches one on the platform to which you have permission to create a link.

    • Alternatively, in the upper-right corner of your browser panel, select the extension's icon.

  2. Select one of the brand's programs from the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu].

  3. To add additional reporting parameters, select Customize.

  4. Select Create Link.

    • You can [Edit] [Edit] or [Copy] Copy the generated link.

    • To create a vanity link, select [Edit] [Edit].


Apply to a brand program via the extension

The extension notifies you when you are not partnered with a brand. These notifications include the following:

  • You are not partnered with a brand: The brand is on but you don't have an active contract with them.

  • You are pre-qualified to join a brand's program: The brand is on and you will be auto-approved to their program.

  • You are not qualified to apply to this program: Your profile does not match the brand's current criteria. You may qualify at a later stage, so be sure to revisit the brand's website.

  1. On the brand website with which you are not partnered, open the extension.

  2. Select Create Link.

    • This action will automatically send an application to the brand.

Additional features

You can manage your notifications, and links and exclude domains for which you do not want notifications.

Set notifications for earning opportunities

You can control how often you want to receive the browser notification from the extension.

  1. In the extension window, select [Hamburg menu] [Menu]Notifications.

  2. Select a cadence for receiving browser notifications from a specific domain:

    • Every time

    • Once a day

    • Once a week

    • Never

  3. Select [Left] [Back] when you're done.

Specify your link types

Control whether the extension generates short or regular tracking links. You may want regular links by default if you use dynamic parameters in links or if a brand has hardcoded parameters in its tracking links.

  1. In the extension window, select [Hamburg menu] [Menu]Link Preferences.

  2. Select Short or Regular.

  3. Select [Left] [Back] when you're done.

Exclude domains

For irrelevant websites or websites you visit frequently, you can specify the domains for which you don't want notifications.

  1. In the extension window, select [Hamburg menu] [Menu]Excluded Domains.

  2. Enter the domain or subdomain you want to exclude using wildcards:

    • Wildcard for subdomains: Matches any subdomain of the brand, e.g., *

    • Wildcard for entire domains: Applies to all paths and resources associated with the brand, e.g.,*.

  3. Select Save & Add Another to save the domain and add a new domain.

    • Select [Delete] [Delete] to remove a single domain or Remove All to remove all the added domains.

  4. Select [Left] [Back] when you're done.

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