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Note: Refer to for Chrome Extension V2 Overview for information on how to download and use the new version. has a deep linking web extension for Google Chrome which allows you to create tracking links on the fly for joined brand programs that have opted-in to allow for deep linking. Check to see if they allow for deep linking.

You can use the deep linking extension to:

  • Generate tracking links to a partnered brand's product page

  • Join new brand programs

  • Add custom reporting parameters to your links

  • Copy links to your clipboard or share directly to Facebook and Twitter/X

Note:'s web extension is a lightweight and convenient option for generating links on the fly. As such, it has limitations and will not offer the full functionality of the dashboard link generator.

Set up the extension

Before you can use's deep linking extension, you'll need to set up a few things.

  1. You'll need API access enabled for your account. To enable API access, do the following:

    • On the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → SettingsAPI Access.

      • Alternatively, for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner, select user-circle-solid.svg [User profile] → SettingsAPI Access.

    • Select Enable API Access Now.

  2. Locate the Chrome extension:

    • From the top navigation bar, select Content → Ad Tools.

    • Under the Browser Extensions section, select Download For Chrome.

    • Alternatively, follow this link to view the extension directly in the Chrome web store.

  3. Select Add to Chrome.

    • Accept any permission prompts.

  4. Pin the extension for ease of access. You can pin the extension by doing the following:

    • In the header bar of your browser, select extension.svg [Extensions].

    • Next to Impact Deeplinking, select thumbtack-solid.svg [Pin].

  5. Select the pinned extension and enter your partner account Username and Password.


Once you've set up the extension, you can begin generating tracking links on the fly.

  1. Open the website or landing page of a brand with which you're partnered.

    • tickresized.svg [Check] will appear on the extension's icon if the website domain matches one on the platform to which you have permission to deep link.

    • See the Extension status reference to learn what each status symbol means.

  2. Select the extension icon and in the pop-up that appears, select Generate Tracking Link.

    • You can copy or share the generated link using the options below the Link field.

  3. Optionally, select Show advanced settings to append any desired Sub IDs, a Shared ID, or a Promotional Property to the link.

Extension status reference

1 of 5 status symbols may overlay the extension icon when you're browsing, giving information about when it's possible to generate tracking links.

Status symbol


tickresized.svg [Check]

The website domain matches that of a program on the platform to which you have permission to deep link.

no-entry-svgrepo-com_copy.svg [Blocked]

You cannot generate an tracking link that deep links to this web page.

arrow-circle-down-solid.svg [Down]

The extension may still be loading or may require you to sign in.

clockresized.svg [Clock]

The website domain matches that of a program on the platform that you can apply to join.

exclamation-circle-solid__1_.svg [Exclamation]

The username or password with which you tried to sign in is invalid.

Apply to join a program

If you're browsing a website and want to know whether the brand in question has a program you can join on, look out for the clockresized.svg [Clock] symbol on the extension icon. If it appears, you can apply to join the program by following these steps.

  1. Select the extension icon and in the pop-up that appears:

    • Use the caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down arrow] to view available Performance programs associated with the website domain.

    • View the payout terms of your selected program.

  2. Select Apply.


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