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Create Product Lists

Manage products in groups or save them for later, with product lists. Favorite a product and have it added to your list(s) of product favorites.

Note: A maximum of 20 lists may be created.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Products angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Find Products.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, select Discover angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Find Products.

  2. Select Explore our Product MarketplaceLists.

  3. Select Create new List.

  4. Enter a name for the list that you will be adding specific products to (e.g House & Home), then select Create.

    • Select the pencil-alt-solid__2_.svg [Edit] to change the name of a list or to Delete list.


Add products to a list

You can add products to a list from the All Products page.

  1. On the product tile, select heart-solid.svg [Favorite] to add a product to your list(s). By default a product will be added to the last list(s) you added products to.

  2. From the dialog, select Change to add it to a different list or multiple lists, then select Save.

    • If you want to create a new list, select Create New List, enter the list name, and select Create and Save.

Remove products from a list

You can remove product from a list by doing the following:

  1. Select ListsView Collection and heart-regular.svg [Unfavorite] on a product to have it removed from a list.

  2. From the All Products tab, select heart-regular.svg [Unfavorite], unselect the checked box(s) to remove it from a list(s), and select Save.

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