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Manage Your Newsletter Issues Log

In addition to managing your newsletters, you can view a log of issues relating to your newsletters that have failed to send to contacts. This information can help you evaluate why newsletters in a failed-to-send status have not reached your contacts and how to rectify these errors.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Partners → Automation → Newsletters.

  2. Hover your cursor over the newsletter for which you want to view the issues log. Then select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]Issues Log.


Attention: You cannot edit the newsletter once it has been sent. You will need to recreate the newsletter and resend it, in order to rectify errors experienced in your previous attempt to send.

Solutions to newsletter issues

Below is a list of possible solutions to the issues you may be experiencing if your newsletter has not been successfully sent to contacts.



Contact does not have an email address

Add an email address or addresses in your contact list where applicable.

Hover your cursor over the contact whose details you want to edit and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to edit the contact information.

The contact has unsubscribed from mailing list


Partner does not have any contacts

Add contacts to your contact list so that your newsletter sends to contacts.

We could not send the Email

This issue requires you to submit a support ticket.

There was an error with the Ad code.

Enter a valid adcode before sending the newsletter to contacts.

There was a problem while processing email content

Verify email content or contact support.

There was an error replacing special tokens in the partner information

Recreate your newsletter and enter valid tokens before sending the newletter to contacts.

The following Special Tokens could be invalid:

  • {adcode_adid}

  • {mpid}

  • {mpname}

  • {firstName}

  • {lastName}

  • {currentDay}

  • {currentTime}

  • {currentMonthYear}

  • {unsubscribeUrl}

We could not find any partners in the selected segment.

Check your segment criteria.

Error Processing Partner. Check for partner info

Fill in any fields missing your contact's details in your contact list.

Hover your cursor over the contact whose details you want to edit and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to edit the contact information.

Error generating AdCode for Partner

This issue requires you to submit a support ticket.

Error Saving In-App Announcement

This system error requires you to submit a support ticket.

The In-App Announcement process encountered an error

There are additional errors to include below this one:

  1. There was an error processing the partner. This issue requires you to log a support ticket.

  2. The partner you selected is not part of the current campaign/system. Please choose a different partner.

  3. The selected contact does not have an email address.

  4. We encountered an issue processing your request. Please contact support for assistance.

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