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Find & Promote Products from the Product Marketplace

What is the Product Marketplace?

The Product Marketplace is a brand discovery tool that allows partners to discover and apply to new brands via the products that the brands have on offer. As a partner, you can:

  • Explore collections of different products (i.e. best sellers, electronics, trending products, etc.) curated by, as well as browse across all products on the platform—regardless of your relationship with the brands that offer the products.

  • Browse the Product Marketplace across devices (Desktop, mobile web, and mobile app).

  • Search for products that fit your desired criteria by filtering and sorting.

  • Compile your favorite products and their respective tracking links into a list by selecting heart-solid.svg [Favorite] on the product tile.

  • Compare commission rates from different brands on the same product.

View promotable products

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Products angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Find Products.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, select Discover angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Find Products.

  2. Select Explore our Product Marketplace. From here you can:

Learn more about a product

After you find a product you might want to promote or learn more about, you can select the product's card to see more information on the product. The table below provides more detail on the information you can find here.

Product details reference

Product Detail


General Product Info

The name of the product, its price, and its description.

Est Payout

What you can earn for driving a sale of this product.


The percentage value of the sale amount you could earn for driving a sale of the product.


View the earnings per click (EPC) that you will accrue when promoting this product if the brand pays per click.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of clicks that result in conversions for this program.


Whether the product is currently in stock.

Last Update

The date on which the product was last edited.


The product marketplace category to which the product belongs. This corresponds with the categories used to search and filter for specific products.


The name and link to the program to which the product belongs.


The name of this product's manufacturer. If this field is a link, you can select it to view more products by this manufacturer.


The product's stock-keeping unit (SKU). This is a unique ID to help you identify a specific product.

Landing Page

A link to the product's web page.


The tags with which the product is associated.

EAN Number

The Product's European Article Number external-link-alt-solid.svg.

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