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FTP (for Data Feeds) Overview's FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers can be used to receive or retrieve information regarding updates for actions you drove, new and updated partnered brand ads available to you, and changes to partnered brand product catalogs. All of these will come in a file known as a Data Feed.

Accessing data feeds

You will need to set up a data feed before you can retrieve the credentials needed to access the FTP server where your files are located. To do so, go to the Data Feeds screen:

You will need to set up a data feed before you can retrieve the credentials needed to access the FTP server where your files are located. To do so, go to the Data Feeds screen:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select cloud-solid.svg [Cloud]Data Feeds.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile]  → SettingsData Feeds.

  2. Set up the relevant data feed(s) you want.

  3. After you have set up the required feed and you chose to retrieve the file from's FTP server, you can view the server URL and your credentials to access that feed.

    • If you chose to have send the file to your FTP server, the server details you provided will appear instead.

    • If you chose to have send the file via email, the email you provided will appear instead.

Note: We have provided a list of IP address ranges that you will need to allowlist. Ensure that you allowlist the entire range, as you may accidentally be preventing's FTP server from communicating with your system if you do not.

  • You have more options for the format of your data feed file.

    • Your options here are XML, Tab, Pipe, and CSV.

  • You have the option of receiving your data feed file as an email attachment rather than needing your own developed system to communicate with's servers.

  • If you decide to retrieve data feed files from our FTP server, all files will remain on that server for 30 days.

Best practices
  • If you can't receive postbacks but still need access to rapid updates on action or action inquiry data, go with data feeds over API calls to avoid rate limiting.

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