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Create a Partner Survey

Surveys allow you to collect information from partners to improve or streamline your business. You can survey partners who already joined your program or upon sign-up. Sign-up surveys are shown to new partners when they apply to your brand. Existing partners can respond to their surveys on the Surveys screen.

Create a survey

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation menu, select Partners → Surveys.

  2. On the Surveys screen, in the upper-right corner, select Create Survey.

  3. Add the survey's name and description.

  4. Select Upload Image to add a cover image for your survey.

    • GIF, JPG, and PNG file formats are supported with a maximum file size of 1 MB.

  5. Select Add Question to formulate and specify your question details.

    Survey question fields
    1. In the Add Questions modal, formulate your question using 250 characters or less.

    2. Choose whether you want to use an existing custom field or create a new one.

      • You can create and save custom fields to easily populate your survey questions. E.g., you can create an Age custom field with a number input if you frequently collect data about partners' age.

    3. From the dropdown menu, select a question type.
      Question types include: Paragraph: Open questions with unique answers. Number: Answers that require a number. Checkbox: Answers that require one or multiple option(s). Multiple Choice: Answers that require one of multiple options. Date Picker: Answers that require a date. Drop Down: Multiple answers with multiple selection options hidden in a dropdown menu. File: Any attachment needed from the partner.
    4. Select the [Unchecked box] [Checkbox] to make the question mandatory.

    5. Select the [Unchecked box] [Checkbox] to allow partners to edit their responses after submitting them.

    6. Select Add to add the question.

  6. [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Schedule Survey Dates to add dates for when the survey starts and ends.

    • You can select a timezone from the dropdown menu. However, if you do not select dates the survey will be available immediately and indefinitely until you disable it.

    • [Toggle off] [Toggle off] Schedule Survey Dates for surveys you want to include in the partner sign-up page.

  7. [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Restrict Partner Access to only allow specific partners or partner groups to access and reply to the survey.

    • Select the Partners dropdown menu to specify the partners you want to include in your survey.

    • Select the Groups dropdown menu to specify the partner groups you want to include in your survey.

    • [Toggle off] [Toggle off] Restrict Partner Access for surveys you want to include in the partner sign-up page.

  8. [Toggle on] [Toggle] Multiple Responses to allow multiple users from one partner account to respond to the survey.

    • If you don't opt for multiple responses, the first user who replies from a partner account will be the only response allowed from that partner account.

  9. Select Save when you're done.

    Note: Once you select Save, the survey will automatically be available for partners to see and answer.


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