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Process Ad Requests

You may receive requests from partners to create ads that they think would help them promote your program. While you have total control over the ads that your partners can use, they can present ideas on additional ways to promote your brand.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Content → Requests.

  2. To narrow your search for specific ad requests, use the filters near the top of the screen.

  3. Hover over the request you want to begin processing and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] → Process.

  4. At the bottom of the Process Ad Request screen, select Approve.

    • Alternatively, to decline the request, you can leave any comments about your decision in the Comments field and select Reject Request.

  5. Back on the Requests screen, hover over the request you just approved and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] → Complete.

    • If you already have an ad that satisfies the request, scroll to the Response section, enter the ad's ID in the Ad ID field, and Complete Request to make it available to the partner.

    • You can locate the relevant ad ID by navigating to engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Content → Ads.

  6. Below the Ad ID field, select Add new ad.

  7. Fill in the fields to create the ad. Keep in mind that clicking out of the pop-up screen will not save your ad as a draft. Select Save and Make Available for Use when you are done.

  8. Optionally, leave any final comments for your partner in the Final Comments field.

  9. At the bottom, select Complete Request.


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