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Gateway Tracking Templates

Important: Refer to Configure Gateway Tracking Settings before continuing with this help article.

Program Tracking Template

  • This is where you can define query string parameters for all tracking links within your program. These parameters will be applied to links from all of your media sources and partners. This is a good place to add UTM Parameters to all of your tracking links for a program. Refer to the Query string parameters reference below for help.


Partner Tracking Template

  • This is where you can add global query string parameters to partner tracking links. If a click comes from a partner's tracking link, the parameters you establish in the template will be applied. Refer to the Query string parameters reference below for help.


Query string parameters for tracking templates

  • Parameters with curly brackets ({}) are dynamic query strings that will automatically populate with a value when the link is clicked

  • Hardcoded values are supported—simply add a value without curly brackets ({}), and it will always be passed on a click.

  • Custom values are supported, however we recommend contacting support to discuss how use them.

  • Use underscores to add multiple parameters within a single query string.

    Query string parameters reference

    URL Parameter





    Use a custom dynamic query string parameter. recommends contacting support (or your CSM) to discuss your specific use case.


    2uz3sQWFlxyJRcqwUx 0Mo34VUkiyviUnPwZbQM0

    Click ID

    Unique ID assigned by associated with the click event. When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the unique click ID associated with the customer.


    828416 Ad ID

    Unique ID associated with the ad that is associated with the click event. When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the Ad ID associated with the click.


    10306 Campaign/Program ID

    Unique ID associated with your program (campaign). When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the campaign/program ID associated with the click.


    1234567 Partner ID

    Unique ID assigned to the partner that drove the click. When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the partner ID associated with the click.


    My Ad Ad Name

    The name you've assigned to the ad that was associated with the click. When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the ad's name.


    Banner Ad Type

    When you create ads in, you define the type of the ad (e.g., banner, text, image) before uploading creative. When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the ad type.


    100x100 Ad Size requires you to specify an ad's size. When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the size of the ad that you specified when it was created.



    Product SKU

    Unique SKU assigned to the product associated with the ad. When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the product SKU value associated with the ad.


    CoyoteInfluencer Partner Name

    The name of the partner in When a tracking link is clicked, this will populate with the partner's name associated with the click.


    Partners may have duplicate names or names with special characters, which will likely skew your data analytics findings. To ensure accurate data, use {irpid} instead. (You can look up partner IDs on the Partner Listing Report.)


    mediapartner Media Type

    This will return either mediapartner or mediasource depending where the click originated from—either from one of your partners, or from one of your media sources (such as traffic from a search engine).


    Shared ID

    Partners can append a Shared ID value as a query string parameter to their own tracking links, which is then visible to you in reporting. When a tracking link is clicked, this will automatically populate with the Shared ID a partner has specified, if available.

    {mp_value1}, {mp_value2}, {mp_value3}


    Partner Custom Value

    This will populate with a custom value you can assign to a partner. This setting is applied across your entire account, not just for a single Program/Campaign.

    Custom values can be assigned to partners in Partners → Partners → Actions → Tracking. From here, you can define up to three custom values for each partner. These are most commonly used to label partners (e.g., influencer, Cashback/Loyalty, Deal, etc.).

    You can also bulk upload and edit partner custom values in Partners → Partners → Bulk Edit. You will need an Excel or CSV file with the Partner IDs as well as the Partner Values themselves that you want to assign to that partner.




    Generates the UNIX timestamp when the click event occurred. When a tracking link is clicked, this will be appended as a query string parameter. This can be used as a cache-buster in some platforms.



    Random Integer

    Generates a random integer between 0–9,999,999 when a tracking link is clicked.




    Append this parameter when you test your tracking links.



    Group name

    Lists one or multiple groups that a partner belongs to within a query string.

Parameter deduplication explained

The various parameters specified for an ad in a program can sometimes lead to duplicate values being returned, especially when multiple parameters have the same name. Duplicate parameter values can create a discrepancy between's reporting and the reporting of your wider marketing team's tools, such as Google Analytics. To avoid this, considers only a single parameter value in the following order of priority (from highest to lowest).

This order prioritizes brand-specified parameters over partner-specified ones:

Parameter type reference

Parameter type


Ad landing page

The parameters you configure within your ad’s landing page metadata. (These parameters always take precedence unless a deep link is provided with the request, in which case deep link params override the landing page params.)

Program tracking template

The parameters you configure under Settings → Gateway (found in the Tracking section) → Program Tracking Template.

Partner gateway

The parameters you configure under Settings → Gateway (found in the Tracking section) → Program Tracking Template.

Passthrough variable

The parameters that your partners can specify within a deep link, using the p. notation. (In rare cases, passthrough parameters can override parameters that you specify.)

Deep link query string

The parameters that your partners can use to pass a deep link containing pre-defined landing page query string parameters.


If the utm_medium parameter is appended to both the landing page deep link used by a partner and your own Program Tracking Template as shown below:

  • Deep Link URL: https://brand.example?utm_medium=seo

  • Program Tracking Template: https://brand.example?utm_medium=affiliate

    The final landing page will be:

  • Program Tracking Template: https://brand.example?utm_medium=affiliate

    This is because the Program Tracking Template parameter was defined by you and is thus given a higher priority than the one defined by your partner.

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