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Net 45 (SOI) Funding Strategy

The Net 45 (SOI) strategy relies on you to fund your account according to partner invoices that have been generated. The sum of financial obligations found on these invoices can be found on the Statement of Invoices (SOI). This document is generated after partner invoices for the prior month have been created, and is not itself an invoice. Partner invoices must still be settled individually. Learn how invoices get settled.

Key characteristics

  • Optimal for action locking periods longer than 30 days.

  • Best for funding your account after actions lock.

  • Useful if you need less than 2 weeks to settle invoices.

  • Relies on invoiced financial obligations to inform how much to fund your account.

Necessary financial documents and settings

Strategy in action

Let's use the following Schedule data from a sample template term:

  • Action Locking: Actions are locked 1 month and 0 days after the end of the month they are tracked.

  • Payout Scheduling: Actions are paid 15 days after the end of the day they lock.

So what does this look like in practice?

  1. Let's say your partners drive actions in the month of January. Both the end of the month, all actions that occurred in January remain in a pending state.

  2. Throughout the month of February, those actions from January remain pending, which gives you time to modify or reverse any of them (like if an order is returned).

  3. All the actions from January lock on the last day of February, clearing them for payout. Partners can now see their payout amounts in their earnings accounts as Pending.

  4. On 01 March, generates the SOI document, summarizing the amount due for all invoices for actions that occurred in January. This document includes a payment date of 15 March—this date is based on the payout schedule specified in your contracts.

  5. You must add the amount specified by the SOI to your funding account before the due date, which in this example is 15 March.

    • If you don't add funds to your funding account in time, your account will enter default and the payment will be due immediately. Your partners won't receive payouts until you fund your account, and they will be directed to contact you regarding their pending payouts.

Want to change your funding strategy?

Reach out to your CSM (or contact support) to talk with about changing your funding strategy. This may affect any active contracts you have with partners, and you may need to update template terms. Work with your support agents to make sure all relevant financial details are up-to-date with the funding strategy you want to use.

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