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View the Monthly Close Report

The Monthly Close Report provides a consolidated breakdown of where any costs and fees were accrued, aggregated by month.

Note: To run this report, you will need the Finance Permission account permission. If you do not have this permission, reach out to your account administrator.

View or download the report

Any report you create here can be scheduled and saved using the buttons in the top-right corner of the screen.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Finance.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Reports → Monthly Close.

Understand the report

This report contains 2 sections:

  • Partner Costs

  • Fees

See the sections below for more information about the tables found in each section.

Partner Costs table

The Partner Costs table reports the revenue that partners created for your program, as well as your costs (i.e., action payouts) associated with creating that revenue.

Partner costs table reference

Table Column



During which month the data for that row was generated.

You can select a month in this column to download a Statement of Invoices for all your partner invoices in that month.

% Actions Paid

What percentage of actions driven for your program(s) have been paid out. Appears in decimal form.

For example, if you've paid out for 40% of driven actions, you would see .40 in this column.

% Other Cost Paid

What percentage of other costs, like make-goods or placement fees, for your program(s) have been paid. Appears in decimal form.

Action Cost

The total cost for actions driven for your program(s) in a given month.

Action Tax

Any taxes accrued on actions driven for your program(s) in a given month.


Total revenue from actions driven for your program(s) in a given month.

Other Costs

The total cost for all non-actions (e.g., make-goods) assessed to your program(s) in a given month.

Gross Partner Cost

A combined total of accrued partner-driven Action Costs, accrued Other Costs, and any Taxes assessed to your program(s). You can select the number in this column to view the Partner Cost Breakdown report for that month.

Net Partner Cost

A combined total of accrued partner-driven Action Costs and accrued Other Costs assessed to your program(s). This does not include assessed Taxes.


All taxes assessed to your program(s) for that month. fees table

This part of the report contains information about fees owed to for a given month. This table will provide you with information like your monthly fees, whether that fee is paid, and the invoice number for a given month's fees.

63d7b554cddc5.png fees table reference

Table Column



During which month the data for that row was generated. You can select a month in this column to download the invoice for that month.


This column supplies the same information as the Month column, just in another format.

Date Generated

The date on which this invoice was generated.

Due Date

By which date this invoice must be settled.

Invoice Number

An ID for this invoice. This number should begin with your brand's ID, followed by the invoice number itself.


Whether the invoice is paid, outstanding, or overdue.


The total fees that must be paid to


If assessed, any taxes your account has accrued.


The sum of your Fees and any assessed Taxes.


What you have already paid to for that invoice.

Amount Due

What you still owe to to settle that invoice.

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