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View the Upcoming Partner Payments Report

The Upcoming Partner Payments report shows upcoming payments for actions (partner payouts) and transfers (scheduled make-good payments, bonus payments, and paid placements).

You can use the drop-down menus at the top of the report screen to sort the data based on campaigns or a specific partner.

View or download the report

This report is accessible from the Finance menu:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Finance.

  2. In the left navigation menu, select Reports → Upcoming Partner Payments.


You can also have this report emailed to you, or you can download it in a variety of formats. In the top right of the report:

  • Select email.svg [Email] to email the report right now, or schedule a recurring delivery.

  • Select download-solid.svg [Download] to download the report in PDF, Excel, or CSV format.

Understand the report

There are seven (7) sections to this report:

Only sections that currently have data to report will appear in the UI.

Each section below describes the column headers of each report to help you better understand what each one means. For most report tables, the top row shows the value of all rows added up together.

Note: This report includes payments due for both approved and pending actions. To view partner payments for just approved or pending actions, use the Action Status filter found at the top of the report.

Action payments

This section reports on upcoming payments for locked actions.

Action Month

Indicates which month the partner's actions occurred in.

Due Date

Indicates the payment due date for these partner's actions.


Shows the program name and ID associated with these actions.


Shows the partner's name and partner ID responsible for the actions.


Shows the total amount of actions that the partner has driven for the month. If the month isn't over, this value can increase. Click on the amount to view an Action Listing that shows each individual action.


Shows the full payment amount for the action payouts.

CPCv2 Payments

This section reports on upcoming payments for CPCv2 payments.

Date From

The starting date for when CPCv2 payments were processed.

Date To

The end date for when CPCv2 payments were processed.

Due Date

Indicates the payment due date for these partner's cost per click payments.


Shows the program name and ID associated with these payments.


Shows the partner's name and partner ID that receives the payment.

Payable Clicks

Shows whether the click accrues a payout or not (as evaluated against your template terms with the partner).

Click Cost

The calculated cost paid for the single click, based on the rules established in the template terms for that partner.

Manual transfers

This section reports on upcoming payments for manual transfers initiated through the Partner Funds Transfer screen.

Due Date

Indicates the scheduled due date for the transfer.

Date Created

Indicates the date this transfer was created.


Lists the name of the partner (and their ID) that's receiving the transfer.


Indicates the type of transfer.


Shows the note left with the transfer.


Shows the amount of funds for this transfer.

Performance bonuses

This section reports on performance bonus payments due from any contracts that include them.

Due Date

Indicates the scheduled due date for the bonus payment.


Shows the revenue generated as a result of this bonus payment.


Shows the number of actions that qualified for a bonus payment.

Bonus Amount

Shows the total bonus amount that is due.


Shows the assessed tax on this bonus payment.


Shows which program this bonus payment is associated with.


Shows which partner is receiving this bonus payment.

Event Type

Shows the event type that tracked this bonus payment.


Shows the current state of this payment.

Minimum EPC

This section reports the minimum earnings per click payment due if you have contracts with a Minimum Earnings Guarantee enabled.

Due Date

Indicates the scheduled due date for the minimum EPC payment.


Shows how many clicks were recorded.


Shows how much the clicks costed you.

Min EPC Contract

Shows the agreed minimum earnings per click from the contract.

Min EPC Bonus

Shows the bonus amount being paid to reach the agreed minimum EPC amount.


Shows the tax assessed to this payment, if applicable.


Lists the partner that is receiving this payment.


Shows the current state of the payment.


Shows the program associated with this payment.

Event Type

Shows the event type associated with this payment.

Paid placement fee

This section reports any fees due for paid placements.

Due Date

Indicates the due date for this placement fee payment.


Shows the amount of the placement fee payment.


Shows any taxes assessed on the placement fee payment, if applicable.


Shows the associated program with this placement fee payment.


Shows the partner that will receive this placement fee payment.

CPC payments

This section shows payments for a CPC (cost per click) event type.

Payout Month

Indicates which month this CPC payment is from.

Due Date

Lists the due date of the CPC payment.


Shows the associated program with this CPC payment.


Shows the partner that will receive this CPC payment.


Shows how many clicks were recorded.


Shows the cost per click amount.

CPC Payout

Shows the full payment amount for CPC payouts.


Shows any taxes assessed on the placement fee payment, if applicable.

Performance bonus payments

If you still have legacy contracts that include performance bonus payments, this section shows any upcoming payments for them.

Action Month

Indicates which month this bonus payment is from.

Due Date

Lists the due date of the bonus payment.


Shows the generated revenue associated with this bonus payment.


Shows the payment amount of the bonus payment.


Shows the associated program with this CPC payment.


Shows the partner that will receive this CPC payment.

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