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Invoices Explained for Partners

View your Invoice History

The Invoice History screen lists automatically generated invoices that can be downloaded in PDF format—these detail your earnings, withdrawals, and more.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select your wallet amount → Invoices.

  2. You can add or remove columns from the table by selecting [Column] [columns] near the top-right of the table.

    • See the Invoice History reference section below for more information on the columns available on the Invoice History report.

    Invoice History reference



    Invoice #

    The invoice number is the unique reference number used to identify individual invoices.

    Invoice Date

    The date on which the invoice was generated. By default, invoices are generated on the 1st of the month, but Brands can implement a custom invoicing date. Contact the brand to ask which date invoices are generated if not on the 1st.

    Due Date

    The date on which the invoice is due to be paid to you. Various indicates that the invoice’s payouts are due to you on different dates—see the PDF for the specific dates.

    Invoiced Entity

    The name of the brand which was invoiced.

    Action Earnings

    Action earnings are how much money was earned with actions during that invoice period.

    Other Earnings

    Any non-action earnings during that billing period, like make goods.

    Invoice Amount

    The total of action earnings plus other earnings.

    Paid By Adv

    Paid By Adv is the amount of this invoice paid for by the brand (formerly advertiser).

    % Paid By Adv

    The percentage of the invoice paid by the brand (formerly known as an advertiser).


    This is the amount of the invoice that you have withdrawn.

    % Withdrawn

    The percentage of the invoice that you have withdrawn.


    Select this link to download the invoice in PDF format.


View your invoice details

You can navigate to the Invoice Details screen to view individual invoices by following these steps:

  1. Select the invoice number in the INVOICE # column.

  2. The Invoice Details screen will display an Invoice Summary table and Invoice Line Items table.

    • See the Invoice reference section below for more information on the columns in these tables.

    Invoice reference




    The date the invoice was generated.

    Invoice No.

    The invoice number.


    Partner contact information.


    Brand contact information.

    Due Date

    The date on which funds are due.


    Provides three data points: the transaction type, the campaign name, and the month in which the actions were first posted.


    The number of actions included in the aggregated payout for that month.


    The payout amount. This is an aggregated amount for all actions posted in the same month.

    Invoice Total

    The total of the amount values.

    Note: If your company's legal name is different to your marketplace name, you can choose to display both names on your invoices. See Change company's legal name for details.


GST & VAT explained

Note: If a brand doesn't assess an indirect tax (i.e., VAT, GST, etc.) on their payouts, it will not appear on the invoice. You'll need to reach out to the brand.

Invoices may include GST, VAT, or tax if all of the following criteria have been met:

  • You selected the Yes, I am registered for Indirect Tax option under the Tax Information section of your Company Information.

  • The brand is configured to assess an indirect tax on payouts to partners.

  • You and your partnered brand are registered for tax in the same country.

VAT codes reference

Here are the VAT codes that can appear on partner invoices:

VAT Code



The transaction was zero-rated. No VAT payment is due by the brand.


The transaction has a standard rate. VAT's standard tax is applied to the transaction.


The brand provided goods or services to you while you were located in the European Commission external-link-alt-solid-blue.svg. VAT's reverse charge mechanism will shift the obligation to pay the tax onto you.


VAT does not apply to the transaction, and does not need to appear on the brand's VAT Return external-link-alt-solid-blue.svg.

My invoice doesn't look right

It is essential to consider the different contract terms when you suspect your invoice isn’t correct. Below is a case study where various contract terms created an invoice that didn’t reflect the payouts as the user expected.

Contract terms: The brand's contract had an action-locking period set to 15 days after the end of the month in which the action occurred. The contract set the payout schedule to 10 days after action locking.

With these contract terms in mind, if an action occurred in April, it would lock on May 16th. will pay the action into your account on May 27th. That payout would appear on the next generated invoice, and in this case, that would be on June 1st.

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