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Access Product Stores as a Partner

Brands you are partnered with can create and share a targeted collection of products with you in the form of a store. These stores can host custom product groups for seasonal events (E.g., Halloween, Christmas, Black Friday), pricing, or any grouping that the brand wants you to see. You can access these stores to easily find and promote the right products at the right time.

Access brand stores

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Products angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → My Brand Stores.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, select Discover angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → My Brand Stores.

  2. Select the brand store you want to view.


View product groups

You can access, view, and get promotional content for the products in a curated product group.

  1. Select a Brand's product store.

  2. Select View All to the right of the product group heading for which you would like to promote products.

  3. Products for that product group will be displayed.

    • From here you can select the product(s) you want to promote to get the product’s image, description, tracking link, embed code, and more.

    • Learn more about promoting products.

  4. You can use the filter menu on the left to switch between product groups for this store.

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