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Configure Partner Paid Search Monitoring Notification Settings

Paid Search Monitoring notifications keep you informed about any new or updated potential violations you've committed against a brand's terms. These notifications appear in the notification panel accessible in the left navigation bar and are sent to you via email or SMS.

Configure your Paid Search Monitoring notifications

  1. From the left navigation bar, select bell-solid.svg [Notifications] to view your notifications.

    • Alternatively, for Creator accounts, in the top navigation bar, select bell-solid.svg [Notifications].

  2. In the upper-right corner of the notification panel, select cog-solid.svg [Settings] to edit notification settings.

  3. Hover over the Violations section under the Paid Search Monitoring heading and select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit] to edit notification settings.

  4. Use the drop-down menu to specify how and how often you would like to receive Search Compliance notifications. See the Notification preference reference table below for more information on each of these options.

    Notification preference reference



    Send email when event occurs

    An email is sent to you for each and every violation event.

    Send a daily digest email

    A single daily digest notification of all violation events for the day will be sent to you via email.

    Send a weekly digest email

    A single weekly digest notification of all violation events for the week will be sent to you via email.

    Send SMS

    An SMS will be sent to a verified mobile number for each violation notification.

    Specific settings (Advanced)

    You can choose how you want to be notified of each new or updated violation. You can also specify different notification settings for Severe violations.

    Don’t send notifications

    No notifications will be sent.

  5. Select Save.

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