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Create Template Terms

Your Template Terms form the contract for your business relationship with partners. They contain all of your conditions—like your payout rates—and partners who are satisfied with the terms can either apply to your program, or you can send them your terms directly via When a partner applies to your program or accepts the terms you sent them, your template terms become a legally binding contract between you and the partner.

Note: This article serves as a simplified guide for creating new template terms. If you have a special use case or if you need additional help with creating your template terms, reach out to your CSM or contact support.

Create a template term

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg Engage → Contracts → Template Terms.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select Create Template Term.

  3. Refer to the Template term fields reference below for help with completing each field.

  4. Save your template terms.

    • Alternatively, Save and Send To Partners. See the Save template terms section below for more information.

Template term fields reference




Enter a descriptive name for your template terms. This name will be visible to partners.


Optionally, add labels to your template terms that make it easier to search for by keyword. Partners won't see these labels.


To populate your new template terms with pre-existing template terms, toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Use terms from an existing Template Term, select your terms from the dropdown, and select Populate terms. You can then make modifications as needed. highly recommends using this option to create modified versions of existing terms for specific partners.


Use the dropdown to select the currency in which you want to pay out for this template term.

Event Type

Use the dropdown to select your event type and configure its payout settings—refer to the Event type fields reference below for help.

Custom Terms

Optionally, use the dropdown to select custom terms to add to your template term—refer to the Custom terms settings section below for help.

Event type fields reference

Important: If you (or one of your account users) has set up contract rules, some of the options below may be locked to a global setting.

Event type


Default Payout

This is the default payout if no payout groups, adjustments, restrictions, or performance bonuses apply to the action. This is also the payout that partners will see at the top of your template term.

  • Percentage payout per order/item sale amount pays the partner a percentage of the sale—either of the whole order or on a per-item basis.

  • Fixed payout per order/item pays the partner a fixed payout for the order amount or for the items in an action.

Payout Groups

Toggle to pay out different amounts based on specified conditions being met. You can create multiple payout groups, but note:

  • Customized payout groups work best when they’re mutually exclusive, so if payout groups have overlapping conditions, place the more specific criteria first, and the more general criteria last. E.g.:

  • Payout groups will apply their changes at the same level as the default payout i.e., if you set the default payout at the order level and have a payout group where Item SKU is 8432195, anytime that SKU appears in an order, the entire order will be affected. (See the payout group's Payout column to see exactly how the payout will change if the group is applied.)

  • Commas in your payout group criteria will separate the two criteria. The first rule below will be interpreted as Item Category is ACME OR Anvils. Use quotation marks as done in the second rule below to combine the criteria to mean Item Category is ACME AND Anvils.

  • supports .csv and .xlsx files to import your payout groups. You can also export your created payout groups to a .csv or .xlsx file using the export button.

If cannot find a payout group applicable to the action, the Default Payout will apply.

Payout Adjustments

Toggle to adjust the payout rate when specified conditions are met. If an action meets the requirements for multiple payout adjustments, those adjustments will all apply to the current payout on the adjusted amount.

Example: If you have a $100 sale and the payout group matches at 2% (a $2 payout) the payout adjustment (50%) will apply then, making the payout $3. If two further adjustments of +50% and +100% were applied, they would apply on the adjusted amount. So in this case the $3 plus 50% ($1.50) = $4.50 plus 100% ($4.50) = $9 which will be the final payout amount.

Payout adjustments apply to all of the rules within a payout group simultaneously. If you're uncertain about how these work, reach out to your CSM or contact support.

Performance Bonus

Toggle to add a performance bonus to your template terms that incentivizes partners to meet specific goals or conditions for either increased payouts or additional bonus payouts. See Performance Bonuses FAQs to learn more.

Payout Restrictions

Toggle to specify any conditions that should generate no payout.

  • Use the plus-circle-solid__1_.svg [AND] to add additional conditions for a single restriction (i.e., both conditions must be met for the restriction to apply).

  • Select plus-circle-solid__1_.svg [Add] Add another restriction to add a new payout restriction, separate from your first one.


Toggle to specify limits for the number of clicks or payout amount permitted within a certain timeframe to ensure you stay on budget.

Payout Scheduling

Input how long after actions lock partners will be paid. This setting is very important, and is tied to your account funding! Refer to this doc for common funding strategies and the associated payout scheduling settings to use.

Action Locking

Use the fields and dropdowns to set your action locking period. This setting is very important, and is tied to your account funding! Refer to this doc for common funding strategies and the associated action locking settings to use.

Credit Policy

For most brands, this option is set to Last Click, meaning the partner that drove the last click to a completed action receives the credit (and payout). Reach out to your CSM for help configuring this for more specific use cases.

Referral Window

Set the window of time in which a partner can still receive credit for an action.

E.g., if a partner drove a click to your web store but the customer hasn't yet purchased anything, the referral window starts. If the customer leaves but returns to your site within the referral window and purchases something (i.e., completes an action or "converts"), the partner will receive credit for driving that action.

Advanced settings

Select show advanced settings to view and configure advanced settings. For help creating custom terms, see Create Custom & Special Terms.

Warning: strongly recommends discussing with your CSM (or contacting support) before changing these settings.



Change Notice Period

Configure the number of days in advance that partners will receive notice before custom term changes take effect.

Reversal Policy

Configure how much of the payout you can recover if you decide to reverse an action.'s recommended default is Advertiser Returns 100% max monthly returns, so you can recover 100% of your payout in the event of an order return, cancellation, or fraud.

Action Limit

Define the maximum number of actions for which partners can be paid out within a specified period. E.g., you can choose to only pay out for the first 5000 actions every quarter.

Spend Limit

Define the maximum payout a partner can receive within a specified period. E.g., you can choose to pay out a max of $5000 every quarter. (The currency used will match the currency you chose in the Currency field above.)

Minimum Earnings

A guaranteed minimum payout to the partner for each click.

When enabled, you can input the minimum EPC (earnings per click) a partner should receive per month. This is useful to partners who want to evaluate their marketing costs against your program's expected return.

If a partner's total action payout is less than the total number of clicks multiplied by the guaranteed minimum cost per click, the partner will receive a payout for the difference.

Placement Fees

Optionally, input a fixed fee that partners will receive upon meeting a specified requirement, e.g., situating your ad in a premium space on their site. The system allows you to set one-time or recurring fees. There are 3 payout types for placement fees:

  • Upon acceptance of template terms: Placement fees are locked and cleared based on the configured event type locking and payment scheduling terms. If there are multiple dates, we choose the one furthest in the future.

  • When the first action is completed: Placement fees are locked and cleared according to the event date of the first completed action within a term.

  • Monthly placement fees: The monthly placement fee is calculated "trailing" on the 1st of the following month. A valid contract must be in effect at the beginning of the month for which the fee is calculated. If the contract concludes within the month, then the fee is calculated pro-rated.

Tracking Pixel

Toggle whether partners can place their own piggyback pixels on your confirmation pages. (For partners to benefit from this setting, you must already be using pixel tracking so that they can piggyback off of it.)

Data Center Clicks

Toggle whether you want clicks originating from data centers to be considered valid for CPC payout.

Save template terms

Once you're done creating your template terms and are ready to send to partners, you can input the following:



Media Partners

Use the search field to find partners to whom you want to send your template terms.

Alternatively, use the dropdown to manually create a bulk list, or use the option to upload a CSV or Excel file with partner info. Any email addresses you include without a Partner ID (i.e., partners not on will receive a link to create an account with so they can view your template terms.

Contract Dates

Select the start date for these template terms and choose whether the contract is ongoing or temporary. If temporary, select whether or not to fallback to another template term upon expiration.

Approval Options

Choose whether these template terms will:

  • Replace: i.e., override any existing contract the partner may have with you.

  • Propose: i.e., allow the partner to remain on their existing contract with you and have the option to approve, reject, or counter the new template terms.

Optionally, if you already have ads prepared and uploaded to, select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Send an ad with this proposal for faster media partner integration, then select Lookup to find the ads you want to send.


Optionally, add a comment that partners will see when they review your template terms.

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