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Set up Promo Codes or Unique Domains for Offline Ads

Brands use Offline Ads for traditional advertising channels such as podcasts, television, radio, and print. Impact provides tracking technology for both online and offline programs.

There are multiple ways you can track Offline Ads in Impact, namely Promo codes, Unique Domains, and Direct Traffic Tracking.

How Do I Set Up Promo Codes for Offline Ads?
  1. Enable Promo Code Tracking.

  2. Create a Tracking Promo Code.

  3. Ensure the Tracking Promo Code has the partner assigned to it - ONLY this partner will receive credit for using this promo code, depending on the Credit Policy selected when setting up the promo code.


Whenever customers use this Promo Code, Impact tracks the usage. You can view the usage in the Performance by Promo Code report.

How Do I Set Up a Unique Domain for Offline Ads?
  1. Create a Unique Domain.

  2. Assign a Unique Domain to the partner.


Please make sure to reach out to your CSM (or contact support) to assist with setting up a Unique Domain.

Direct Traffic Tracking

Direct traffic tracking allows your team to track partner-level traffic without the use of a tracking link.

Most click traffic tracking uses tracking links, embedded links in ads, logos, or text on partner sites. Direct Tracking identifies the source of consumer traffic arriving on a brand’s website without using a tracking link. Instead, information from the landing page URL or the referring URL identifies the source of the traffic.

How To Set Up Direct Traffic Tracking

  1. Navigate to Partners → Partners.

  2. Click on the Actions dropdown.

  3. Hover over Tracking.

  4. Select Direct Traffic Tracking.

  5. Set up your Rules to identify the traffic.

  6. Select Save.


Please make sure to reach out to your CSM (or contact support) to assist with setting up Direct Traffic Tracking.

Testing your setup

Create a 'test' partner account to set up Direct Traffic Tracking on the partner account with all of the required rules and then follow the Direct Traffic Path to see if everything tracks as expected. Doing this will help troubleshoot your setup and help advise with other Partners’ configurations.

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