If you’ve recently switched (or expired) a partner’s contract for a future date, you can cancel that action if you change your mind before the date the switch/expiry goes into effect.
When submitting a switch or expiry withdrawal, wait a minute or so for the platform to update. Look for the following message at the top of the screen to indicate your change was accepted:

From the left navigation menu, select
[Engage] → Partners → Partners.
Alternatively for a creator programs, select
[Engage] → Partners → Creators.
[Checkbox] next to the partners whose contracts switches you want to withdraw, then select Contract → Modify Settings.
On the Modify Settings screen, select
[Toggle on] Withdraw any upcoming switches for these partners.
At the bottom of the screen, select Submit.
From the left navigation menu, select
[Engage] → Partners → Partners.
Alternatively for a creator programs, select
[Engage] → Partners → Creators.
[Checked box] next to the partners whose contract expirations you want to withdraw, then select Contract → Modify Settings.
On the Modify Settings screen, select
[Toggle on] Change contract length for these partners, then set Length to Ongoing.
At the bottom of the screen, select Submit.