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Manage Partner Piggyback Pixels as a Partner

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Brands → My Brands.

    • Alternatively, for Creator accounts, select Discover → My Brands.

    • Alternatively, for direct partners, use the search-solid.svg [Search] to search for the My Brands screen.

  2. Select the brand you want to manage the piggyback pixel for, then select More [Drop-down menu]Tracking Integration.

  3. For the action tracker you want to manage the piggyback pixel for, under the Actions column, select [Down caret] [Drop-down menu]Edit.

  4. Read the notice and select I understand, continue.

  5. Select the tracking pixel type.

  6. Add the tracking pixel code or image source URL.

  7. If you want to add more parameters to your piggyback pixel, select Show/hide optional parameters. Refer to the Optional URL parameters for more information.

  8. Select Save.

  • When a confirmation page with the piggyback pixel loads, the pixel fires the data it has tracked over to the tracking software with a browser cookie linking you to the order confirmation.

  • Remember that piggyback pixels only need a browser cookie to fire, so you may experience false positives and false negatives. This can lead to unmet template terms, last clicks not registering, and other incorrect reports.

    Note: False positive actions may be invalidated if not corrected before the action locking cycle ends. Other invalidation events include registering with a duplicate order ID, exceeding template terms for action recurrences, and lacking an active template term between the brand and partner, often due to misfiring piggyback pixels.

Optional URL and item-level parameter reference

URLs can include optional parameter values. These parameters are dynamically replaced with actual values when the URL loads.

URL parameters all build around the same URL template, which is[Parameter]={Example}. When the URL is called, {Example} will fill with the data that the [Parameter] value requests.

URL parameters reference

URL Parameter



The ID of your partnered brand.


The ID of the action tracker you're adding a piggyback pixel to.


The ID of the partner (which is you).


The sale amount of the action, which is expressed in the brand's preferred currency. This can only be tracked for sale actions.


The original currency of the action, AKA the currency used to buy the product or service.


The amount of money the action product, which is expressed in the brand's preferred currency. This can only be tracked for sale actions.


The promo code for the action.

  • Item-level parameters can also be added to your piggyback pixel. These tell you more about what exactly was sold, how much was sold, and more.

  • Like URL parameters, item-level parameters also build around one template. In this case, the format is {join(items,i,"[Function]{i}={i.[Function]}","&","?")}. Whatever item-level parameter you want tracked needs to replace [Function].

  • For example, if you wanted to track the sku number of sold products, your parameter would be {join(items,i,"sku{i}={i.sku}","&","?")} and would result in ?sku1=[sku 1 number]&sku2=[sku 2 number]... continuing for the amount of items sold in that action.

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